Author Topic: Project Q v2.1  (Read 7135 times)


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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #165 on: November 08, 2015, 10:15:12 pm »


I really love this Pstemarie


Thanks I really cant wait to get my hands on everything you have been doing '<img'>


Just run the updater - it's all on there. I've pretty much been doing nightly uploads of new content and fixes the last couple of days, but that will slow down starting tomorrow now that I am finally getting over this bronchitis crap I've had for the past month.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #166 on: November 09, 2015, 10:25:23 am »


As noted in the "Wake the Dead" thread, I have implemented MerricksDad's new skeleton animations (type 2) for an alternate set of Q Skeleton templates. I have also added his "appear" animation to the Q zombie animations. Since the new "appear" animation is now part of the default zombie animations, there was no need to create new templates for the zombies. The new skeleton templates are listed under the Undead category as "Risen Skeleton." 


The Q v2.1 Base Module will also include a new trigger ("Spawn Risen Dead"), waypoint ("Q Risen Dead Spawnpoint"), and script ("q_spwndeadtrg_oe.nss") which can be used to implement the new appear animation in your own modules. The trigger contains variables which control the number of creatures spawned, the location of the spawn, and which creature is spawned. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #167 on: November 10, 2015, 01:00:01 am »


I have begun cleaning up spelling issues on the templates in the Q Base Module and cleaning up the names of numerous placeables, replacing extended descriptive names with shortened names using the conventions established by BioWare for the default resources. Refer to the "Comments" field for more information.


For example, the placeable "Carpet, Large Red" has been renamed "Carpet" and under the "Comments" field you will find the more descriptive name "Carpet - Large Red." While not all Builders will agree with this decision, I felt it was a necessary change to address complaints Builders have expressed about having to change names when setting a placeable to "useable."  IMO, nothing breaks immersion more than clicking on a placeable and seeing its name displayed as "Carpet, Large Red Oriental."




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #168 on: November 10, 2015, 08:56:45 am »


Hrmm. Browing through the newest updates, I feel the need to bring up an issue and request; please move some of the override materials to a separate hak. The new unclothed body pieces are flat, bulbous, and lack definition or shadow and are not an improvement over the basic bioware iterations; I feel the same with the hands and feet. Im currently digging through the old files in nwnexplorer to restore them via hak, which is a very time consuming process.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #169 on: November 10, 2015, 10:27:15 am »


Hrmm. Browing through the newest updates, I feel the need to bring up an issue and request; please move some of the override materials to a separate hak. The new unclothed body pieces are flat, bulbous, and lack definition or shadow and are not an improvement over the basic bioware iterations; I feel the same with the hands and feet. Im currently digging through the old files in nwnexplorer to restore them via hak, which is a very time consuming process.


Not happening. A lot of people, myself included, would beg to differ with your opinion of Gunner's Body Rebuild. They cast shadows in the toolset just fine and are a major improvement over BioWare's low-poly, block-shaped crap. Yes, the texturing is not as well-defined as it could be, but I think adding more contrast to them would just muddy them up too much to make the effort worthwhile.


Anyway, you've already come up with the solution any Builder faces when using large collections of content such as Q or CEP - content that is not desired has to be overwritten with a custom top-hak. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #170 on: November 10, 2015, 11:25:15 am »


Blocks have been replaced with bags of potatoes, and as crude as the old texture was, it defined the forms better in a 2d space. I'm not asking you to excise them entirely, but it's a major change; why not move them to a separate q based hak?




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #171 on: November 10, 2015, 11:54:30 am »



Blocks have been replaced with bags of potatoes, and as crude as the old texture was...


Snarky comments aside, since you're the lone voice of dissent, I'm not going to create a special HAK to accommodate one voice. If more people ask for the same, then I might consider it. Furthermore, if I move the package to its own HAK, then I might as well as remove it completely - something I'm not willing to do.


Sorry to be so concrete on this, but I've been the lone ranger of Q for quite some time now, save for the occasional help from others such as Boodah, and Q has become more a reflection of my personal tastes than anything else. If people use it, fine; if they want to rip content from it, fine; if they don't use it, fine. Lastly, Q is no longer a community package in the same sense as Q, it has evolved into a personal HAK build that I continue to share with the Community. Not everyone will like the choices I've made, but the open license allows Builders the freedom to use whatever they want from Q, however they want. Thus, I reiterate, if you don't like the new body models, then feel free to create your own tophak to overwrite them.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #172 on: November 10, 2015, 11:58:01 am »


-deleted by heka-




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #173 on: November 10, 2015, 12:07:24 pm »


TopHak will always be possible, since resources in higher HAKs overwrite resources in lower priority HAKs. Replacing just the PLT will not work. You need to replace the model with the original BioWare model as well. The mapping on Gunner's models is different than the mapping on the BioWare models and Gunner's texture was built specifically for the new models.


If you are just looking to replace the PLT textures but still use the new models, your time might be better served modifying Gunner's textures to get the look you want. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #174 on: November 10, 2015, 01:24:49 pm »


The comment was not meant to be snarky; I'm a 2d artist myself, and it was meant as a very honest critique.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #175 on: November 10, 2015, 02:59:26 pm »


For what it's worth, I like the new body (and hand and feet) models and consider them to be a huge improvement over the Bioware ones. Just my opinion though.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #176 on: November 10, 2015, 04:09:51 pm »


The new PC parts are wonderful thank you for including them!

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner on the water and wind mill placeable issue- I doubt you need a screenshot to explain what is- or rather isn't happening- simply put the placeable is too large to be used by a PC- they certainly try but end up blocked from being able to use- or open it, and just stand there attempting to get to it. Placeable 2da lines 4087, and 4088. I solved this issue by marking the mills static- and using a invisible object placeable set on the mill- close enough that a PC can get to it. 


Thank you for keeping Q alive and updating it with the quality content that makes NWN better. I certainly appreciate each new model added to (in my opinion) the best looking and most realistic hakset available. Thank you for making updates available almost daily- and making sure those updates don't crash NWN, or worse, corrupt modules. Thank you for being engaged with this community, listening to suggestions, both good and bad,  '<img'> and for keeping the conversations positive when others are less concerned with politeness. Most of all thank you for your time! We at Black Dragons Q Ravenloft appreciate you! 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #177 on: November 10, 2015, 04:58:47 pm »


The new PC parts are wonderful thank you for including them!

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner on the water and wind mill placeable issue- I doubt you need a screenshot to explain what is- or rather isn't happening- simply put the placeable is too large to be used by a PC- they certainly try but end up blocked from being able to use- or open it, and just stand there attempting to get to it. Placeable 2da lines 4087, and 4088. I solved this issue by marking the mills static- and using a invisible object placeable set on the mill- close enough that a PC can get to it. 


Thank you for keeping Q alive and updating it with the quality content that makes NWN better. I certainly appreciate each new model added to (in my opinion) the best looking and most realistic hakset available. Thank you for making updates available almost daily- and making sure those updates don't crash NWN, or worse, corrupt modules. Thank you for being engaged with this community, listening to suggestions, both good and bad,  '<img'> and for keeping the conversations positive when others are less concerned with politeness. Most of all thank you for your time! We at Black Dragons Q Ravenloft appreciate you! 


Ok, yeah I thought those were the models you were talking about. They are actually designed to be used with a lever placed nearby in the area. The new Q base module includes a script designed to be used with the lever to specifically activate those placeables. Here is the script for reference...






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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #178 on: November 11, 2015, 05:49:06 am »


I agree with Heka. I don't like the new anatomic choices, and improvement as they may be over the originals, I think there are much better alternatives than the ones included in the new Q. I also think his request isn't extreme, and is the basis of all modular works of the kind. His opinion mirrors mine in terms of description (the whole bags of potatoes/blocks remark), and even if I find it inappropriate due to the nature of the situation, it's a refreshingly honest and open one.


Having said that, Project Q is tended by Pstemarie, and he has final say on what is done with it. Making a request in no way means he is obligated to comply. I understand that and respect his judgement. I usually don't voice out my opinion when I feel like it would offend the custom content contributor, regardless of how well-worded or valid it may be. However, I bet there are others who do this, and it may be useful to consider it.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #179 on: November 11, 2015, 11:18:12 am »



I agree with Heka. I don't like the new anatomic choices, and improvement as they may be over the originals, I think there are much better alternatives than the ones included in the new Q. I also think his request isn't extreme, and is the basis of all modular works of the kind. His opinion mirrors mine in terms of description (the whole bags of potatoes/blocks remark), and even if I find it inappropriate due to the nature of the situation, it's a refreshingly honest and open one.


Having said that, Project Q is tended by Pstemarie, and he has final say on what is done with it. Making a request in no way means he is obligated to comply. I understand that and respect his judgement. I usually don't voice out my opinion when I feel like it would offend the custom content contributor, regardless of how well-worded or valid it may be. However, I bet there are others who do this, and it may be useful to consider it.


I hear what you guys are saying. The problem I have with separating it out into a separate hak hits upon these points...


1. Its one batch of content, that if separated into a "q_!override.HAK" would just duplicate another HAK that already exists (e.g. the original package the content came from).


2. If I separate one override into a HAK - q_!override.HAK - then next thing you know people will want more overriding content moved to that HAK. The HAK then winds up becoming a repository for every override in Q.


3. Next thing you know, people start wanting other things pulled from this new override HAK and moved into separate override HAKs because they like content A but not content B.


Project Q has always included overrides as essential elements of its content. Not every Builder likes everything that has been included. However, Builders always have the freedom to either repackage Q or to create a tophak that overrides Q content. Given this simple fact, expecting CC authors to completely reorganize the structure of a package because you don't like something in it makes little sense. 


All this being said, instead of quibbling back and forth over a point I consider settled, why not put our three heads together and figure out how we can give the models back the higher definition of the originals? The answer lies with the textures, I'm sure, and its not like we're looking at a lot of textures here. I'm not a texture artist and have never made claims to be one - save for a handful, the textures I use are all modifications of ones other people create. Maybe a texture artist will step up, having seen this, and offer to help out.