Author Topic: Project Q v2.1  (Read 7124 times)


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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #105 on: September 14, 2015, 11:51:52 am »


Nice work Pstemarie I really love this building.


This is really going to be a great tile set once your done. At this point the only two reasons I can see to still use the standard city tileset would be for standard docks or with a addon non walk able water falls.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #106 on: September 14, 2015, 12:18:07 pm »


Boodah already ported in the buildings adjacent to water, so I imagine the city docks wont be far behind. I am kind of partial to the docks that _Six did for Wildlands - the ones that sit below street level. I might see what I can do about getting something similar into TNO.  




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #107 on: September 14, 2015, 02:52:17 pm »


WoW it sounds like your one step ahead of my thinking '<img'>. I'm really looking forward to toying around with all the things you are adding.



I guess someone could use one of the seasonal forest tilesets with Project Q and just use the seasonal forest for their docks.





I think the docks in the pictures above don't look bad but it would be nicer if they weren't sitting on the water. I for one feel they would look better if they set up a little higher.



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #108 on: September 14, 2015, 05:06:13 pm »


Trying to incorporate Low´s work into other tilesets ala tno is not just click and boing. He used a more terrain like mesh for his complete ground (15*15 polys on XY i guess) and so are his walkmeshs. So it´s not good to use his stuff in other tilesets imo! To much work to bring both meshes together.

But i like his sandy slope into the water shot a lot '<img'>



awesome new poor building Pstemarie '<img'> the wood texture is great!




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #109 on: September 14, 2015, 09:46:36 pm »


I was talking about using his tileset to make areas.


Example; Make most of your city using TNO then use Seasonal to make the docks for the city. Quicker and easier for people who wants the look but don't know how to rework tilesets.


I know this would add more haks, so it was just an option for some people.


As for me if I use Seasonal I will reskin it to match TNO. Thanks for all of you I can at least do that much with NWN so far '<img'>.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #110 on: September 15, 2015, 12:05:23 am »


Trying to incorporate Low´s work into other tilesets ala tno is not just click and boing. He used a more terrain like mesh for his complete ground (15*15 polys on XY i guess) and so are his walkmeshs. So it´s not good to use his stuff in other tilesets imo! To much work to bring both meshes together.

But i like his sandy slope into the water shot a lot '<img'>



awesome new poor building Pstemarie '<img'> the wood texture is great!


I love LoW's work, but I hate working with it from a modeler's perspective - how'd he ever keep all those polygons straight is beyond me  '<img'> It looks beautiful ingame but will give you a headache looking at in 3dsMax or GMax.


Anything I do with docks will probably be all new models - most likely a hybrid between what _Six did with Wildlands and LoW did with Seasonal. They will definitely NOT sit right on the waterline. 


Thought you'd like that texture Baba - pretty sure its one of your's - you and _Six just blow my mind with the texture work you both do. 



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #111 on: September 15, 2015, 04:09:45 pm »


Hey Pstermarie,


I just tried to update projectQ using the updater v2 and all haks get the error message "failed to create ***hak" ? Anyone else getting this error or arent we supposed to use it atm ?

And btw. any ETA on the release of 2.1 ?

Would love to have all the new stuff '<img'>




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #112 on: September 15, 2015, 08:17:05 pm »


Boodah already ported in the buildings adjacent to water, so I imagine the city docks wont be far behind. I am kind of partial to the docks that _Six did for Wildlands - the ones that sit below street level. I might see what I can do about getting something similar into TNO.  


Alright, I'll work on the docks next. Biggest problem will probably be to connect those with the docked TNO ships, but I hope I can figure it out somehow.


And dude, fantastic job on the raised city terrain so far and that redone poor building looks just freaking amazing!




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #113 on: September 15, 2015, 08:22:58 pm »


Hey Pstermarie,


I just tried to update projectQ using the updater v2 and all haks get the error message "failed to create ***hak" ? Anyone else getting this error or arent we supposed to use it atm ?

And btw. any ETA on the release of 2.1 ?

Would love to have all the new stuff '<img'>


The updater works fine for me. I'll send you a PM and we'll see if we can figure out what is going on.


ETA for release is December 23-26 - somewhere in that span.



Legacy_Carrot Sticks

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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #114 on: September 17, 2015, 12:32:22 am »


That'll be one heck of a Christmas present.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #115 on: September 19, 2015, 04:46:20 am »


Taking a break from models today to do a little housekeeping...


The v2.1 q_race.HAK has reached the 16K resource limit. Rather than dump new models willy-nilly into q_race2.HAK, I decided to move some files around between the two HAKs. 


1. ALL Normal phenotype models will now be found in q_race.HAK - along with the ACP and the other new phenotypes added in Q.


2. ALL Large phenotype models will now be found in q_race2.HAK - along with the dynamic centaurs and any new dynamic models I might decide to add in the future.


This slight change reduced the size of q_race.HAK be nearly 5K resources and will make it much easier moving forward to locate models in both HAKs.





In looking through the Large phenotype I see that there are numerous heads that need to be rescaled and ported over from the Normal phenotype. Is there a scaling script to do this - i.e. can NWN Armory or the scaling scripts in NWMax Plus handle heads? If not, what is the best tool to perform this operation?



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #116 on: September 20, 2015, 01:34:44 am »


If these heads are separate ascii models you could always try the little utility that I wrote ages ago called ScaleEmAll. As always make a back-up of the models before use.






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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #117 on: September 20, 2015, 05:03:30 am »


If these heads are separate ascii models you could always try the little utility that I wrote ages ago called ScaleEmAll. As always make a back-up of the models before use.




Nice! This is just the tool I was looking for. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #118 on: September 20, 2015, 01:31:22 pm »


Working on phenotype this morning and the rest of today...back to tilesets on Monday. Anyway...


1. The Large phenotype has been expanded to include the ACP, Flying, and Social phenotypes and support has been fully scripted into q_inc_acp.


2. The Body Tailor now limits the possible phenotype choices to Normal and Large. Since these are the base phenotypes, these should be the only ones accessible from the Body Tailor. 


3. The module event script - q_mod_def_enter - has been modified to store the PC's base phenotype when they enter module. By default, if the PC is using a nonstandard phenotype (i.e. neither the Normal or Large phenotypes, or one of the mounted variants), a message is sent to the player and then they are booted and a time-stamped log entry is filed. Alternatively, an optional block of code has been included that just sets the character to the Normal phenotype without booting them.


4. A new module event script has been added - q_mod_def_exit - resets the PC's phenotype to the base phenotype that was stored on them in q_mod_def_enter or if they changed phenotypes using the Body Tailor.




5. Added another robe hak - q_robe4.HAK - to accommodate the expansion of the ACP phenotypes. Robe support for the expanded Flying and Social phenotypes is provided in q_robe3.HAK.  






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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #119 on: September 21, 2015, 08:18:09 am »


Hmm, I remember some sitting Phenotypes that was very nice. You can sit crosslegged, resting, etc. Do you have them, and do you think you can Q[ue] them!? '<img'>