Author Topic: Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?  (Read 1300 times)


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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2015, 07:50:32 pm »


Actually, it might be interesting to take a step back from the NWN-style graphics and see if it can have a makeover like Toon Skyrim:




There's times when very simple graphics are preferable.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #46 on: August 26, 2015, 08:01:51 pm »


I agree.  I would prefer to play Toon Skyrim if I ever play Skyrim.


For NWN1, there was a mod someone made that replaced the textures with textures from Torchlight, which are cartoony in a slightly different way, but which I think looks good.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2015, 08:47:46 pm »


I have builded two small servers with NWN2 toolset. Now i have an i7 (16gb ram and a gtx 980 4gb) and some areas are to heavy, slow and the walkmesh sometimes doesn't works exactly. Many NPC animations create different problems with some structures of tilesets. Maybe it's just for me, but I prefer Aurora. '<img'>

Anyway, I think Mad Poet and Tchos definitions - point of view - are equally correct. '<img'>



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2015, 09:05:20 pm »


Oh, and yes Tchos. I use the default setup for NWN1. I do have a slight texture change to turn the gold into a silver color though, but that's very much cosmetic. NWN2 lets you edit WAY more of the GUI than NWN1 does. Far as I know there is no real way to edit much of the GUI in NWN1 shy of texture related things like icons, borders, and the like. I still think the NWN1 radial was one of the easiest and best little options they made. Very easy to understand. Quick to use too. Wish I saw more of that in modern games.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2015, 09:25:28 pm »


I have builded two small servers with NWN2 toolset. Now i have an i7 (16gb ram and a gtx 980 4gb) and some areas are to heavy, slow and the walkmesh sometimes doesn't works exactly. Many NPC animations create different problems with some structures of tilesets.


I can probably help you with that if you send me a private message.


I still think the NWN1 radial was one of the easiest and best little options they made. Very easy to understand. Quick to use too. Wish I saw more of that in modern games.


While I don't like radial menus in any game that doesn't use a game controller, it would be possible to recreate that interface in NWN2 if you know XML.


BTW, I wasn't asking if you use the default setup for the UI.  I know you can't do more than reskin it.  I was talking about adding cosmetic mods to NWN1, because you were specifically criticising an unmodded NWN2, but people get upset if anyone criticises an unmodded NWN1.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2015, 09:27:12 pm »


Oh, and yes Tchos. I use the default setup for NWN1. I do have a slight texture change to turn the gold into a silver color though, but that's very much cosmetic. NWN2 lets you edit WAY more of the GUI than NWN1 does. Far as I know there is no real way to edit much of the GUI in NWN1 shy of texture related things like icons, borders, and the like. I still think the NWN1 radial was one of the easiest and best little options they made. Very easy to understand. Quick to use too. Wish I saw more of that in modern games.


You can also change the fog - I've done it before but I just forget how.



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2015, 09:42:36 pm »


BTW, I wasn't asking if you use the default setup for the UI.  I know you can't do more than reskin it.  I was talking about adding cosmetic mods to NWN1, because you were specifically criticising an unmodded NWN2, but people get upset if anyone criticises an unmodded NWN1.


Ah... well no. Not really. It's pretty much standard. I keep my overrides empty shy of a soundsets.2da file that opens new soundsets, and an override that turns all that gold GUI elements into silver-ish ones. Oh... I also have an override that turns the blue neverwinter symbol loading screen into a darker one. I find that loading screen tends to blind me when it flashes @_@ LOL


I always keep to default because I prefer playing modules the way the author intends them to be viewed. Same with servers and such. For my own server I pack whatever I want to override default material into my haks. I know not everyone likes this method, but I prefer it. NWN1 is often very 'High Fantasy' in appearance. Bright colors. Clean streets. Yadda yadda.... and nothing wrong with that look. However for my own server I went a more 'Sword and Sorcery' approach so overwriting the default content was needed to achieve the proper look. I kind of consider it as much an art project as it is a game. I'm just weird like that though.


I don't want to criticize either NWN1 or 2 based on what modded content is available and can be done. Nor do I think anyone else should. Sure CC can 'Fix' stuff, but if critique is for the game itself I shouldn't include CC any more than I should critique a restaurant's food after I dump a bunch of my own spices on the meal. My spices might have made the meal better, or made it worse. Either way it wasn't what the cook served me.


But like I said before these aren't what makes NWN1 or NWN2, timeless. It's the ability to modify them. To create your own things your way. CC is what makes NWN great. I'm not upset someone criticized NWN1. Heck there are things I don't like about NWN1 and prefer in NWN2. Creature models stand out as one of them. What I don't like is when people take their criticisms out of perspective. Criticizing NWN1's graphics by comparing them to NWN2 or even more modern HD games is like criticizing 'The Maltese Falcon', a 1931 film, as being a terrible film to watch for not being in color, or for not having any CG in it. Different generation. Different technology. 


Has everyone forgot that NWN once was awarded 'Best Roleplaying Game' at E3 for 3 years in a row? Only Mass Effect managed to get close, and that was only 2 years in a row. Actually I don't know of ANY game that achieved 'Best of' 3 years at in a row at E3 except NWN.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2015, 10:06:08 pm »


Interesting.  I suppose it's similar to the fact that I criticise the poor normal maps and specular maps in NWN2, even though I know they can be modded to look correct.  I think that people understand that I'm only talking about the original content, especially when I put out work to correct it myself, and that I'm not criticising the game as a whole, but who knows how people interpret it?  All I can do is to say "This aspect is substandard, so I recommend X mod."


As for playing modules as the author intended, while I know it's unlikely you'll play any of mine, you should know that my intention is that the players freely modify my modules for their personal use to suit their preferences.  I even give some instructions on how to do it in my readme file.  It's probably an unusual thing, since I know many module authors express the desire that players play their modules only in very specific ways, but what I want is for the players to have as much fun as possible.


As for bright colours...I wish I'd see more of those than I have.


I also don't consider NWN2 significantly more modern than NWN1 in terms of graphics.  I don't play it for its graphics either.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2015, 10:18:51 pm »


Sometime a classic is still the best.  I'd pit The Maltese Falcon against any modern movie in the same genre. 



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #54 on: August 28, 2015, 02:23:05 pm »


There are elements of this game that look dull and boring and sometimes... well... hrmpfl! But overall it´s our great little gem worthy to work with and you can improve the looks of it in every aspect you can imagine. Yes it´s old school... it was made in 2002 and for that time it was graphicaly "ok". Textures can change almost everything in this game and it´s easy to create ones that you like yourself so why not do yourself a gift and mod this game!


And about NWN2. It looks better but feels shitty imo. and the toolset was for me just a horrible experience. Clunky and laggy and meep! But the lighting is great for sure when shadows are turned on '<img'>




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2015, 06:32:29 pm »


And about NWN2. It looks better but feels shitty imo. and the toolset was for me just a horrible experience. Clunky and laggy and meep! But the lighting is great for sure when shadows are turned on '<img'>


Meh. It works fine for me. We've all got our gaming preferences. '<img'>




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2015, 04:28:13 am »


I've made a few small Modules with Electron, but I basically just stay with Aurora.

I never found the NWN2 Toolset to be impossibly dreadful, it did more or less what the NWN1 Toolset does; it's just a damn sight more time consuming to do the same things in NWN2. The one thing that keeps me going back to it occasionally is the exterior areas where you can play with terrain so freely and which, for me, is the simplest, quickest, easiest element in Electron. Interior "Tilesets" in NWN2 are sometimes hellishly frustrating to work with.


However, I have long suspected that the reason I find the NWN2 Toolset so arduous to work with at times is that when I met it, I was years-used to NWN1 - and it's similar enough to Aurora that you find yourself trying to do the same things in the same ways you do for NWN1 only they're not quite the same and thus you and the Toolset confuse each other and call each other names. Perhaps this is why I find the exterior area building so easy - it's totally different to NWN1 and so I have no preconceptions attached to it.

And, obviously, the more you mess around with it, the more used to it you get...


I imagine someone coming to NWN2's Toolset without having ever tried any such thing before would find it considerably "simpler" than old hands bringing knowledge of a similar yet different Toolset with them and expecting parity that doesn't always exist.


All of which is completely and utterly off the topic.


The simple answer of "there is no one magic button to press to make NWN1 look different" might perhaps be one worth looking at for those who have in the past expressed concerns over the dwindling NWN Community.

Many are the resources for people in the Community who know what they're doing to find stuff, identify file sources, etc... but what does the community offer by means of a doorway to the outside? A simple door, I mean, not just the promise of great treasures lost in fabled ruins deep in an impenetrable jungle of modding...


Maybe those concerned should create a little resource somewhere for complete newcomers to be able to quickly and easily review all the available "basic" mods for NWN. Simple stuff like texture overrides, etc, for people who just want to try playing the game and who aren't instantly planning to dive into modding it, making stuff in the Toolset or start messing about with obscure scripts, freakish custom models or whatever.


I imagine creating a coherent list of even just "the simple, cosmetic stuff" with appropriate links, would be a moderately time-consuming venture - it's just a thought.

But maybe, as I say, for those concerned about dwindling numbers in the Community, the provision of such resources, a kind of "starting ground" for complete strangers, so to speak, might lure some new blood into the deeper world of the Toolset and the wonders of giving up on looking for games you might want to play and just making your own instead.


Some of my worlds in Demoness Tales are all but unrecognizable as NWN these days, and the only "door" I ever had was buying the game because the edition with expansions I got had a shiny metallic box with Aribeth on it and she looked cute (and then finding it had something called a Toolset which sounded faintly intriguing)... But I couldn't have achieved the things I have without working damned hard at figuring out how to do it over several years, and occasionally being told the patently obvious by the skilled ancients of the community who already figured it out before me... And there's still so much more yet to learn...


But perhaps today, the Community, which I also found by accident, needs a new "door"...


(Apologies again for these hopelessly wandering Shabby Hyena diatribes).




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2015, 12:30:37 pm »


When I look PHoD's models (creatures, tilesets, placeables, etc), in fact, I don't recognize the usual graphics of old NWN. So, I can't understand...




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #58 on: September 17, 2015, 06:39:07 pm »


Two types of trolls: those looking to intentionally get a rise out of people, and those unintentionally getting a rise out of people. It can sometimes be impossible to tell the difference. However, considering how civil this particular forum is compared to most more public ones (e.g. GOG forums), I think we automatically assume that someone waxing so negative here is probably just trolling.


There's obviously some good info in here for you already. But if you find the basic game to be too "square" to play, then I agree that you're probably wasting your time. However, if you do decide to stick with it, I'd like to explain a couple things that'll help you out:


This is an awesome community. It's also pretty tight-knit at this point, especially here in the custom content subforum. Sure, people get angry or annoyed just like any time you bring more than 2 humans together in one place. But by and large people here (even when irate) are more polite than in your average internet community. I used to be part of a similar community in the past, and feel extremely lucky to have been able to join a second.


We love having new people join the community. However, if you do want to join it, you may find it easier to get and give help if you spend some extra energy on politeness and avoiding calling things ****. Obviously not a rule, but it is definitely appreciated.




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Is it possible to make this game looks less like **** ?
« Reply #59 on: September 17, 2015, 06:43:46 pm »


It's ironic that this month's CCC is going to make the game look more like ****... '<img'>


Mmm... steaming piles of demonic poo. ':sick:'