Author Topic: Need help Forest hills w/grass  (Read 353 times)


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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« on: August 11, 2015, 02:22:53 am »


First this is what I am trying to get my forest to look like but have hills.





Ok to start I downloaded Full Forest Hills and Le Jax Mod Forest Override Hak. Then I exported all the files in Jax Mod hak to overrides and turned the tga files into dds files. It looks just like the pic when using just the standard forest. Next I tried using the Full Forest Hills hak in my module but when I did this everything seems to show up but the grass. So I then tried CEP forest addon hak which adds hills to the standard forest tileset but still the grass does not show. What is keeping the grass from showing up when I add hills to the standard forest?


I have tried using it as a hak instead of an override but then the grass always shows up but it will not allow me to raise the ground. This is driving me nuts.


Thanks for your time.





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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 02:47:10 am »


Another thing I see is the ferns in the forest area are from Jax Mod hak





However the ones in the mirrored area edge are from the Full Forest Hills hak.





How can I get these (in the mirrored area edge) to match the ones out in the area where the players run around?



Oh and as you can see the grass I want isn't showing up.




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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 06:55:32 pm »


Ok I'm looking at using Full Forest Base for the base hak for my forest. Is there anything wrong with this that I should know of? If not then great.


I will work on doing some retextures with it later on. I will like to try an use the Ferns and grass from Le Jax Mod Forest Override Hak, So I will need to find out why it is giving me problems.


Oh and I would then need to learn how to get the ferns to reflect in the mirrored area edge.



Any insight would be great. Thanks for your time.



Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 01:26:43 pm »


Ok I'm looking at using Full Forest Base for the base hak for my forest. Is there anything wrong with this that I should know of? If not then great.


I will work on doing some retextures with it later on. I will like to try an use the Ferns and grass from Le Jax Mod Forest Override Hak, So I will need to find out why it is giving me problems.


Oh and I would then need to learn how to get the ferns to reflect in the mirrored area edge.



Any insight would be great. Thanks for your time.


Ok, sounds like you are likely creating problems by not following good practices when messing around with adding content.


So I am gonna just state some things that may or may not apply to what you are doing, but might suggest where a problem might exist.


1) Haks take precedence over the "override" folder.  Meaning, if you have files in your "override" and in a hak included in the same mod, you will likely run into issues....


2) The game engine prefers DDS but will ALWAYS display a TGA whereas a DDS may have issues.  Do NOT put both in view of the mod, IE if you have any haks in the mod, those haks, regardless of order, will overwrite anything in your override as I mentioned earlier.  Next, proper ordering of haks in a given mod is also necessary.  If you have a file names "" in hak1, hak2, and hak3, as well as in your override, but you have your haks included in the mod in the order of hak3 at the top and hak1 at the bottom of the list, the actual file that will be used is the LAST one loaded via any of the haks.  If you have a graphic file in both tga and dds format, it will use the dds if it finds it, regardless of load order (this is one of the file types that breaks normal load order).


Converting frm TGA to DDS is NOT required, and can be dangerous as the conversion tools out there seldom tell you when there are errors, and the game engine can't tell you that the file is broken, as it sees the file, it just can't use it.


Tilesets  require several different controlling files to work correctly.


tileset.SET } -- this will be like "TTF01.SET" for the basic original Bioware forest set.


tileset.ITP   }

tileset.PAL  } -- these two are related to the tool-set palette entries.  you may not always find both of these.  However, when you wish to add groups or features to a tile-set, you will have to edit these to get them to show up in the tool-set.


areag.INI    }  -- this file is more generic, and likely exists in one or more of your various tile-set haks.  Contains info on general tielset environment information. it is NOT required to exist.


doortypes.2da } -- contains information on tile-set specific doors.  Any tile-set that has custom doors assigned, will have entries in here.  If you are using multiple tile-set haks, then likely you will have to merge the various doortypes.2da files.  This is another file that will likely exist in most tile-set.hak files, and will have to all be merged to work correctly.


tileset_edge.2da } -- as in TTF01_EDGE.2da  This controls what you are wrongfully calling a mirror look for the area edge.  It lists additional tiles that are NOT included in the .SET file.  These additional tiles are the actual tiles used for those repeating tiles at the edges.  If any are not showing up, as in blank, likely it means the tile either was not ever created or there is an error in the 2da file.  If the tile was not created, it can be fairly easily created by matching what ever tile is next to the blank, and renaming it, then adding that entry into the 2da, depending on tile type, you might have to rotate the tile by 90 degrees to properly line up.  Most tile-sets reserve/use the "TTF01_ZXX_XX" tile names for the various edge tiles.  Key being the letter z followed by 2 numbers, underscore, 2 more numbers.


Ok, ferns from one hak to override the ferns in another tile-set hak.  Here you are likely running into different names for the tiles themselves OR different names for the textures used, OR a combination of both. You would have to manually compare the .SET files from both haks, see what is different.  Then find one tile that has the ferns, and check it to see what name it uses for the ferns in that particular .SET.  You will have to find the corresponding texture name that is different in the OTHER .SET file.  Should be fairly easy.  Once you have that, you can just rename which ever one is not showing up to match the name of the texture that the tile is looking for.


Anyway, tile-sets are truly not that hard to mess with, but they can be a bit complicated to understand at first.  Somethings are super easy, others less so.  All depends on what you wish to do and how much time you have to accomplish the various tasks.


Site for some tutorials on these and other subjects related to tile-sets:  HarvestMoonConsortium-CTP sub-forums  Login should not be required here I think. 


Good luck with the project and remember it is supposed to be fun!




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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 02:20:04 pm »


Thanks a lot for the insight Bannor Bloodfist 


For the most part I understand that dds will override tga and the hak that is on top will override the ones below if they have the same files. I would say my biggest problem is that I don't know anything about the .set files. So I need to learn what to look for and how to modify the .set file.


Thanks for taking the time to explain somethings.



Legacy_Frush O'Suggill

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2015, 12:55:01 am »


If you're like me, at least, you'll learn by crashing the toolset a few hundred times, cursing at your computer, and then finally everything will make sense and you'll be writing .set files from scratch. Have fun and don't give up!



Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2015, 01:47:54 am »


Thanks a lot for the insight Bannor Bloodfist 


For the most part I understand that dds will override tga and the hak that is on top will override the ones below if they have the same files. I would say my biggest problem is that I don't know anything about the .set files. So I need to learn what to look for and how to modify the .set file.


Thanks for taking the time to explain somethings.


This I think is about all you will find on the .SET files bits and pieces.  animecafe that page is missing the pics associated with the descriptions, and the original page that this is a copy of is no longer referenced so you can't find it on waybackmachine... which sucks.  If you want that information, be sure to save a local copy of that webpage as the person hosting it is long gone from the community and the site may die without warning.


There are explanations about the so-called 'rules' but that entire section can be left out of a given tileset and the set will still generally work in game and toolset.  The rules trully only help when in toolset and painting tiles, it may give the red outlines if a specific tile does not exist or will conflict etc, but anyway, the rules are not truly necessary for the .SET to work.  If they exist, just leave them alone, meaning don't delete them, but you don't have to create new rules unless you fully understand what they are doing.



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2015, 05:33:22 pm »


If you start learning set files leave out the rules by now. I myself NEVER used them and i do lots of stuff since... '<img'> But you have to get GFF editor for the ITP files. SET and ITP files work together and if one of both contains an error with a missing tile OR with whatever else you get toolset crashes. So always be concentrated if you work with one of them. Its sometimes harder to not make an error in them as to do a tile in a 3d programm... '<img'>




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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2015, 03:09:59 am »


What is the .tga file name for these things in the standard forest tileset? I can't seem to find it.





Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2015, 04:29:46 pm »


... maybe "ttf01_leaf01".... that is pretty easy to find m8!




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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2015, 04:23:00 pm »


Thanks Baba Yaga but I just tried " ttf01_leaf01 " again and it didn't change for me, so I don't understand what the problem is.



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Need help Forest hills w/grass
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2015, 04:43:44 pm »


I know it is ttf01_leaf01!.

convert the override texture into a dds file and see that it will change. If not use a NEW tileset with a new *.* (prefix)_leaf01 texture '<img'>

Well... if this is a new tileset then look for *.*_leaf01.tga or dds and change that '<img'>