Author Topic: Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers  (Read 2846 times)


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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2015, 12:57:00 am »


Also known as a sperm whale. If you make a creamy white version of the skin texture you will basically have a model of "Moby Dick".




I have thought on that, However; Isn't moby Dick bigger than a common cachalot, and have harpoons encrusted all over it's back?



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2015, 01:21:59 am »


Bigger, yes but not necessarily noticeably so. Harpoons were only there after its first encounter with captain Ahab if I remember correctly (but it has been years since I saw the old movie - haven't read the book).






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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2015, 04:55:55 am »


Captain Nemo's submarine - The Nautilus!

Or... actually, in this case, PHoD's submarine - The Nautilus...


I started making the Nautilus in gmax about four years ago just as a test, to see if I could. I got a sort of gigantic, roughly cylindrical blob and gave up. It's been sitting there ever since. Now that I'm doing my ATLANTIS Modules, I suddenly had a vaguely silly idea and have thus pounced upon the not-at-all Nautilusesque blob and have been frantically hitting it with every available brick.


It now actually, startlingly, looks like an eccentric Victorian submarine rather than a blob! It isn't specifically based absolutely upon Jules Verne's descriptions in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, nor is it intended to be wholly accurate to the 1954 film version; it's just a sort of generic PHoD Nautilus. I can't imagine what the hell possible use the Nautilus is likely to be to anyone in NWN, probably not even me - but if nothing else, playing around with it made a REALLY nice looking screenshot underwater with some Sharks (and some herring).


Due to being BIG, the beautiful but almost certainly pointless PHoD Nautilus requires a significant amount of water in which to look sensible. Don't go trying to install it in small rural streams. It won't fit.

The domed viewing ports are set so that they have a slight glow, not visible in broad daylight, but notable at night or underwater.


Some assorted details of the Nautilus - the tail assembly, with rudder and propeller - an access hatch with little locking wheel just to raise the polycount a little further for no very good reason - one of the main hull viewing ports, with support rings done as geometry for yet more additional verts in the mesh when it could theoretically have been put on the hemisphere as texture... but it wouldn't look as good then.


Basic side view of the Nautilus... It's essentially finished, but there are still a lot of minor details I want to hit with small, subtle bricks... So there you have it... If anyone ever wanted to recreate 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in NWN (which I don't imagine anyone ever did) now's your chance! I'm still vaguely thinking maybe, just maybe, I'll bring the Nautilus and Captain Nemo into one of my ATLANTIS Modules... and failing that, I've now got this recurring idea about a certain wandering Time Lord and her stripy, feral friend encountering the Nautilus. I just keep thinking of these scraps of interesting discussions on morality between the Doctor and Captain Nemo... anyway...

 Should be great with an interior tileset too '<img'>




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2015, 07:27:07 am »


Have been away and insanely busy with RL, but considering that I have been wanting to do an ocean-based campaign for a while this is THE CCC theme for me.


I'm particularly interested in possible tileset modifications and additions (don't know if these would qualify for the CCC though):



Addition of animated 'currents' within the underwater tileset giving the impression of 3D movement (essentially this would be same old raise/lower, but with an illusion of swimming up and down in the middle of the ocean depths.



'Walkable' ocean water that you could put next to ships on which various sharks and sea monsters appear to swim around (and perhaps even ships too, if these were converted to creatures for the effect of sailing about (though anything up close would have to be a tile, obviously).


Proper swim animations for humanoids (and possibly even for quadrupeds, but that's just dreaming...)


Animations (or even just more different static versions) of ships/ship tiles with sails being unfurled or taken down.  So you can have same ship model - with & without sails, stuck on a sea-rock or otherwise wrecked or at the ocean bottom....


Giant kelp forests - either as tiles or a selection of large-ish placeables.


Icebergs and more types of sea ice.



More brainstorm results forthcoming, but run for now I must. '<img'>



p.s. some amazing stuff in this thread already!




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2015, 08:43:30 am »


Bigger, yes but not necessarily noticeably so. Harpoons were only there after its first encounter with captain Ahab if I remember correctly (but it has been years since I saw the old movie - haven't read the book).




OK, Then it wouldn't be too hard make and alternative version with a white texture. Also, albine cachalots in fact exist....

Just for curiosity; Isn't "dick" a word that is used colloquially in English, to call the penis?

So, Moby Dick = mobile penis?!

Bad joke, I Know...................




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2015, 08:46:49 am »


I'm not sure how much time I'll have this month, so no promises, but I do have a walkable city exterior water tile, with creature models for passing ships and flotsam.


Here's a scrappy video of the tile (without the ships).



I'm sure others have done the same thing, so it would be very helpful to standardise the walkmesh height below the water (otherwise, the ships will look wrong in other people's tiles). I'm currently working at a depth of 2.05m but I'm happy to change this (within reason!).




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2015, 11:52:41 am »




Albine cachalot, or Moby Dick if you wish that....







Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2015, 12:10:12 pm »


Project declaration: I'm working on a highly customizable and extensible fishing system. The main features include giving fish particular environments and bait preferences, but it's going to allow any number of end-user modifications without digging into the guts of the system. So if you wanna add a persistent fishing skill using your favored database system, change how likely a species of fish is to bite based on the time of day, add a chance to fish up seaweed or an old boot, or even just add flavor text, you can do it with just a few alterations. I plan to provide quite a few examples of some of the different things you can do in the documentation.


If anyone's got an interest in this sort of thing, I'd be happy to take feature requests.




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2015, 09:45:26 pm »


Narwhal? The unicorn of whales.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2015, 01:15:16 am »

Just for curiosity; Isn't "dick" a word that is used colloquially in English, to call the penis?


Yes, that is one use of the word. Other uses are as a shortened form of the name Richard, term denoting an idiot or as an insult denoting same, slang for a private detective and finally colloquial alternative name for a head louse hence the term dick-head,





Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2015, 02:03:44 am »


Narwhal? The unicorn of whales.



Why? Because I can.




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2015, 02:21:58 am »



Why? Because I can.   ---begs for mercy---




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2015, 08:03:50 am »


I would be glad to make a narwhal creature, if I would have a suitable free model of a narwhal that I could adapt to NWN. Unfortunately I haven't one. Making one would take too much time, so I prefer makíng another things instead....




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #58 on: August 17, 2015, 04:44:13 pm »




1 walkable water tile for City Exterior

4 boat creatures

2 flotsam creatures




The larger creatures are really for cutscenes or bespoke scripting (the default AI is entirely inappropriate).


Pack is for vanilla NWN, but CEP-compatible. Includes tutorials for adding the tile to custom versions of the tileset, and making your own compatible creature models.




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Custom Content Challenge: August 2015: Open Seas and Rivers
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2015, 08:58:31 pm »

               Here some sugestions.

Aqatic elves

A bridge with buildings on it for the city tileset

A building made out of a beached ship

Buildings build from salvaged ship materials (for shipwreck survivors)

(Walkable) floating seeweed tiles to create an island of seaweed