If you realy need buildings that you can place anywhere... near streams, rivers, cliffs, raise/lower then cut them out of the tiles and convert them into placeables. Thats the only way you can do it that does NOT cause tileset drama.... '>
As for the textures you mentioned from those town houses... use the base stone wall from zwerkules city tileset (the castle wall one I guess)...and desaturate it to nearly completely grey...I´m sure he has included both variations. The bottom wall one with the ground level trim and the one you can tile along x,y and z. The wood one is pretty easy too. Find the tno greyish/ dark gritty wood texture and brighten the color + a bit of yellow/ brown. Then get rid of that one single "beam" and rotate it! Both textures are realy easy to recreate '>
The stone rockwall texture from those thatched buildings you can find in the tno texture set too. Just search for it and darken the lights out. That should do it. If not use one from _six. I´m sure he did one similar in wildlands if i recall!
The "trick" to get that look is to texture the mesh correctly. Thats all!
And never forget to keep the rest in mind when you create new textures. So they dont stand out like a fancy golden cabinet in a slum house interior '>
I also suggest to take a look at projectQ tileset additions and find something similar. Zwerkules also did a tileset with Nwn2 houses..
To me all those textures look like they have a color palette like our phenotype Plt´s. The stone walls have grey, the first wood one is greyish/brown medium and the thatch is grey/ brown light. Could be a PLT!!!