The scripts are finished and working now (see my previous post). So what do they do? I'll show you ->
Watch the placeables on the floor and the inventory panel.
When you "use" one of the placeables the Pc does an scrabbles on the floor, the corresponding item is placed in the PC's inventory
And the placeable is removed. This emulates picking the item up and putting it in your inventory.
Already picked up 3 and going for a fourth.
As the placeable fades a new item appears in the inventory.
Done. Just one to go.
Got the lot, so what now?
I know let's drop them again. Just stand where you want it to be dropped and drop...
Let the PC fiddle about...
Voila! Dropped. Now repeat for the other four and you get...
An empty inventory and five placeables back on the floor. You can repeat this ad-infinitum.
The thing is the scripting (apart from a little hiccough - see scripting forum) is quite simple to achieve this. One thing is that while I could have combined all the small scripts into one, I have left them separate in case anyone who wants to use say just of of the placeable/item combos doesn't need all the rest of the scripts to do so.