is anyone seeing leg-movement for the models
cccad_wwtrll, c_trollwiz2, zcp_scrag, zcp_scrag1 and zcp_scrag3?
they depend on the supermodel c_ograA, however, for me it looks like they actually would depend on another c_ograA than the vanilla one, namely one of those found either in the troll overrides or the monster mashup, that comes with "real" ogreA replacers.
if this can be verified, i can upload the fixed models (including a custom c_ogreAnew as supermodel) if you want. i already fixed this on my end (i'm just not 100% sure atm whether this issue is purely on my side, where i have some other replacers for trolls, just not these new ones, and not for c_ogreA. Though i know that i did have a replacer for the ogre, but specifically renamed it to c_ogreA to avoid supermodel overwriting. my guess is someone took these models from a compilation that had the same setup than i used to have. at least it's either this or i have borked my installation over the years)
edit: in the toolset, the appearances for these models are called:
"Troll: Wizard* (baba yaga)"
"Troll: Wild Woods* (CCC-The Amethyst Dragon)"
Troll: Scrag* (CCP)"
Troll: Scrag: Shaman* (CCP)"
"Troll: Scrag: Warrior* (CCP)"
would be great if someone could check them in the toolset. broken legs are stiff legs that are held together, animated legs are, well, animated, and with a rather wide, lowered stance.