Yes, the Undead Penguin is mine... Who else would have bothered?
Yes, naturally I've read Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness, but the giant, mutant, eyeless, albino penguins in that were just shuffling, mindless berks who got run over by Shoggoths every so often. Nobody venerated the rubbery honkers.
So, OBVIOUSLY everybody in the known cosmos has entered into a conspiracy to cause me to make legions of ludicrous Cursed Undead Nuclear Freak Ugly Heavy Monster Clown Sumo Spleen Penguins.
All I can say is this:- After all these years, you should know better than to poke PLUSH HYENA of DOOM with a sharp stick and urge him in a very silly direction. Posterity will know where to lay the blame. It is entirely YOUR fault that Operation Penguin has been commenced... Be afraid, be very afraid...