Aaaaaaarrrhhh! Ye scurvy, landlubbin' swabs! Ye scurvy swabs as lubs land, I 'ates their scurvy guts, I does, aaaarrh. They see land they jus' 'as t' lub it, ye swabsome swabs wi' their lubbin' o' land an' their scurvy landin' o' swabs an' lubs o' lub! Aaaaarh! Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' rum, fifteen swabs on a dead land's lub! Er... what was I saying?
Hm. Sorry about that. Suddenly mistook myself for old Cap'n Glerp McFuttock. Easy mistake to make... On second thoughts, no, it isn't...
What I intended to say was "a random pile of Demoness Tales Placeables have been piled in a big pile on the Vault. Including horrifyingly large El Weirdo building placeables made by hitting BioWare's Underdark Tileset with a Big Brick. Thus.
And some more. Thus.
So, you've got Big Dogs, bizarre buildings, adobe houses, assorted statues, giant chains and cogs, trees, shrubs, bookshelves, farm carts, loads of dead people in pieces, on strings, charred to a crisp, etc, dead animals, crystal balls, weird oscillating things, rune tables, evil whassname objects, and other things, I forget the rest... and a big weird Crystal Gate.
Which looks like that.
And here's where you can all get your grubby paws upon the heap of rubbish...