Apparently Maldrapur faces destruction by monsters as often as Tokyo does in Godzilla films...
A Goddess' work is never done...
Garuda, the great bird/man/phoenix of Hinduism is a single magnificent being acting as the vahana (steed) of Lord Vishnu. Depictions vary wildly between India, Bali, Thailand, etc... and Indonesia even calls their national airline Garuda...
In Buddhism on the other hand, the Garuda are not a single entity but a whole race of intelligent, socially organized, predatory, bird-like creatures...
In the Maldrapur Chronicles, these latter Garuda descend in numbers upon Maldrapur to conduct their eternal war with the serpent-like Nagas. Long suffering Maldrapur finds itself in the crossfire and Kali has to negotiate a peace with her usual tact and diplomacy (which involves more trampling enemies into dust than most consider diplomatic...)
As with many of these creatures, the precise size of Garuda is difficult to pin down, different texts citing a wingspan of several metres to several miles. This is compounded since there are assorted different Garuda(s) to choose from...
The PHoD version is thus, naturally, simply made to be practical within the limits of NWN and the purposes for which it's required in the Maldrapur Chronicles storyline.
The wildly differing depictions of Garuda vary from something looking exactly like a man to something looking exactly like an eagle... Mine leans more toward the interesting hybrid versions, mostly Balinese or Thai, with much spikier appearance and teeth in the beak. They seem to vary in colour between gold and red quite a lot too; mine had to be red since if they were gold they'd all vanish in the scenes set in the Nagas' subterranean golden citadel of Bhogavati.
(Hopefully the Nagas will be in this pile of stuff too, but I just scrapped them all and started again as I A, wasn't really happy with them and B, radically altered the design.)