You know how it is...
FIRST they start finding Cattle have been mysteriously slaughtered and half eaten in the night...
They blame Bears or Lions or whatever... but no, THEN they find the Bears and Lions eaten into little pieces too and clearly, whatever did it is a lot bigger and more deadly than any normal beast...
NEXT they find the demented old coot farmer who whispered of strange things he'd seen at night - and, you guessed it, he's been bitten in half! Then ALL the villagers get eaten into horrible pieces... Yes, this can mean only one thing... A PHoD Killer Mutant Ultimate Death Spleen is on the rampage!
SEE! There it is there! SEE how nasty and mutated and vicious and horrible it is! SEE how it's eaten everyone into little pieces! SEE... something else! SEE how pathetically unrealistic the alleged, supposed, so-called entrails are!
Obviously the gore should be darker. Actually the texture is darker than it looks, but as the idea of these screenshots is to actually show stuff, there's little point in using proper, dark, atmospheric lighting. No, you just crank all the lights up to "outrageous" which makes the giblets look like heaps of red satin.
Anyway, unrealistic giblets aside, just to prove myself wrong about not being nasty, I've included all these half eaten people and animals... I did a Horse eaten into little pieces too but I can't find the damned, noxious, putrefacted equine thing. Must've fallen down the back of an armchair or something. It'll have to go in an update.
I'm compiling this lot - just adding some buildings - for the Vault... say about 24 hours.
(You'll note I said "putrefacted" again... twice, no less).