Shem; why do you keep putting up lists, lists with pictures in them, pictures of interesting creatures, and thus forcing me to hit stuff with bricks?
I've only just returned and there's this obvious bait of images of Monster Hyborian Hyenas... Hyenas! Can't NOT do the Obvious Hyenas, can I?
Being socking great Fantasy Hyenas, I decided to make the Hyena Lord's hackle ridge nice and spiny and add extra-sharp claws, things like that, just to make them look more vicious. I like to have variation in my Creatures, especially anything that hunts in packs, so there are two versions of the Hyena Lord, a dark one and a light one - as you can see, so I don't know why I'm dribbling unnecessarily here... The dark one somehow seems to give the impression of being dominant, but maybe that's just me. Either version's lethal...
Apparently they don't mind cute girls though... Just thought I'd give a better idea of the Hyena Lords' scale to a human.
I suppose, you know, it being Hyenas and everything, I'll have to do the Hyena Man from the list too. Can't have too many Hyenas in NWN.