Man the CCP has so much stuff that could use a makeover: the hippotamus, giraffe, mastodon, woolly mammoth, woolly rhino, roper, morkoth, giant frog, axebeak, bactrian (two-hump) camel, baluchitherium, barracuda, beaver, catoblepas, couatl, the crocodiles, the dinosaurs, the eels, giant gar, the turtles (land and sea), the nagas, the otyughs... well, you get the idea. '>
Funny thing about those models, many of which were made by Hydromancer X: Most of them were rejected a couple of times by CEP because they were just too rough-looking. Years later, when CCP was shuttering its doors the deal was CEP could get the content but it had to be an all-or-nothing affair as far as inclusion of content was concered and CEP seems to have mostly stuck by that. But the funny twist is that while Hydromancer X wasn't a great modeler in a conventional sense, he did great bone work and, along with the animations either made by him or the rest of the CCP, those models would make sweet pickins for a skinmesh upgrade. Pulling a giraffe or a brontosaurus skeleton or whatever out of a deer model, for instance, with deer animations is quite difficult.