Here's the group I mean:
A purple man (not David Tennant) is included to show scale (75x75x200 cm, otherwise approximately 6 ft tall human).
What I'm going to do is open up the middle tile on all four sides to access a corridor tile connection, or go directly to the next tile group. Placeables will be available to block the pathing out those ports, as well as block visibility. This way I can also simulate secret doors with placeables which can automatically change when secret doors are detected. I'd like to offer the following closures:
- No closure, no modification, exactly matches adjacent tiles
- Open corridor, matches corridor mesh opening, which is smaller than no closure at all
- Collapsed natural tunnel, matches the opening for no closure, and gives the player a bit of view off into the distance (cannot be combined with adjacent tile)
- Collapsed corridor, matches corridor opening, can be combined with adjacent corridor tile
- Secret door type 1, slides out of the way by rolling left or right depending on placement direction
- Secret door type 2, falls into a pit under the threshold.
- Secret door type 3, walkable even when closed, due to illusory nature
This door idea brings me to minimap images. I wanted to do two minimap types. The first one would be an old time drawn map which generally represents the tile or tile group in a very basic way. The second map would be a TL2 style mini clone of the walkmesh walkable area. Secret rooms would not have any representation on the map at all, making it harder for players to view the regions before found. Since all 4 sides of a 3x3 group have a potential to use a secret door placeable, I'll offer 4 varieties of the minimaps (each) so that the secret door variant tile can be used instead right from the toolset panel.
Back to the image above. I had another idea for single tiles with multiple purposes! What if I build the pit variety on to the base tile, and offer the raised portion as the alternative. This reduces the alternate placeables count, and makes the tile readily useful as is in the toolset.