The problem generally occurs (even when set to static) when the center of these tiles is out of LOS of the character or beyond perception range. I've had the same issues at times not with just the ice, but the 4x4 floors that are wood, water, cobblestone, etc... . Interior maps can have issues when walls or doors obstruct the LOS to a large placeables center.
Changing to 1x1s (sometimes I use a 2x2) generally fixes the issues though. You just end up with more placeables used is all.
It can sometimes appear random as when approached from one direction they display fine, but another are blank until closer.
Sometimes a tileset lacks an edge feature (or is missing one for a specific edge type) and I place the 4x4 flooring (water, leaves, cobble, etc... ) off that edge -out-of-bounds- to provide a similar effect to the edge features of many tiles.. in these cases, using the 4x4s seems to work well, although I'm generally still using the 1x1 or 2x2 options.
While on the subject of CEP flooring placeables, many don't align with floors properly, they often -float- above the floors around -knee high-. A quick rule of thumb is to lower their Z axis by -0.98 form the height of the tile flooring when placed.