"Have you considered making the blue tile elements on the wall into portholes? You could make them windows like in WoRm's stagecoach tileset of the city interiors tileset included with CEP, the could show some arcane space. Like bubbles with a picture on them so players looking through them would have the impression of being on a vessel."
- Yes, i have considered evolving the blue tile elements into portholes. In fact, i will probably go this way. The choice of the blue tile elements was initially done with the intent to make something that could be used as a universal interior set (houses, castles...) and not solely for wildspace faring vessels, thus this choice for ambiguous elements you could interpret as decorative lamps, opaque windows or sleek portholes. I don't know about WoRm's city tileset windows, but i have this idea for a big round observation window placeable to be used superposed with another different separate flat background placeable (starfield, phlogiston, clouds...). I don't want to promiss (my Nwn work plate is full at the moment and i am just a GMax noob) but i would love to make something like that. And thanks for the compliments, i wish you success with your own tileset work.
"Random suggestions: As possible ways to round it out more, matching doors, chair and table plcs, and/or a few loadscreens? Or perhaps even a few retextured thrones as spelljammer helms?"
- Good ideas, similarly themed doors would be great (i need to learn how to do doors first ;-). You have some furniture included in the tileset (use erase with the 2X2 room) but it's just the old Drow wares retextured (hope you like the tiger themed beds ;-). Well, yes, i would like to make a SJ expansion placeable pack. Associated loadscreens are my curent 1st priority project. Thanks for your input.