I've been tinkering with added this and that to the crypt tileset, and have encountered a strange problem. The model tdc01_a14_01 crashes the toolset after it's exported with NWExplorer, loaded into gmax, and re-exported. This has worked for all the crypt _a## models but this one. FWIW the Sanity check reports problems thus:
Checking node Rectangle05
Bad Edge: 15 Vert pair: [-500,499.98,320.098],[-500,264.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 18 Vert pair: [-265,499.98,320.098],[-500,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 30 Vert pair: [500,499.98,320.098],[265,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 33 Vert pair: [500,264.98,320.098],[500,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 48 Vert pair: [-500,-20.0195,0.0980072],[-500,-500.02,0.0980072]
Bad Edge: 52 Vert pair: [-20.0001,-500.02,0.0980072],[39.9999,-500.02,20.098]
Bad Edge: 55 Vert pair: [-500,-500.02,0.0980072],[-20.0001,-500.02,0.0980072]
Bad Edge: 58 Vert pair: [39.9999,-500.02,20.098],[260,-500.02,20.098]
Bad Edge: 73 Vert pair: [-500,259.98,20.098],[-500,39.9805,20.098]
Bad Edge: 96 Vert pair: [99.9999,499.98,20.098],[-100,499.98,20.098]
Bad Edge: 105 Vert pair: [500,-100.02,20.098],[500,99.9805,20.098]
Bad Edge: 109 Vert pair: [101,499.98,320.098],[99.9999,499.98,20.098]
Bad Edge: 115 Vert pair: [-100,499.98,20.098],[-101,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 131 Vert pair: [-500,264.98,320.098],[-500,259.98,20.098]
Bad Edge: 142 Vert pair: [500,99.9805,20.098],[500,99.9805,320.098]
Bad Edge: 163 Vert pair: [500,-100.02,320.098],[500,-100.02,20.098]
Bad Edge: 170 Vert pair: [265,-500.02,320.098],[500,-500.02,320.098]
Bad Edge: 173 Vert pair: [500,-500.02,320.098],[500,-265.02,320.098]
Bad Edge: 190 Vert pair: [500,99.9805,320.098],[500,264.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 201 Vert pair: [500,-265.02,320.098],[500,-100.02,320.098]
Bad Edge: 202 Vert pair: [265,499.98,320.098],[101,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 208 Vert pair: [-101,499.98,320.098],[-265,499.98,320.098]
Bad Edge: 219 Vert pair: [-500,39.9805,20.098],[-500,-20.0195,0.0980072]
Bad pivot location. Pivot must be 0,0,z. Not -6.10352e-005,-0.0195312,z
ERROR: aabb split problem.
No other nodes generate a problem. You can find the model in questions here: https://www.dropbox....dc01_a14_01.mdl It's the unaltered from the crypt set model.
I'm really in the dark here... Any help would be greatly appreciated.