I already have a chest thumping taunt, but I need to improve it, as it looks like he is more digging his chest and what not.
There was a video of an ape in captivity with some very bored actions, including standing straight up like a man and scratch his ass while he looked around. I really want that one.
He needs to get the running animation down better. Right now he runs and throws his legs out behind him, almost like a frog. With the speed increased from the dire bear, he looks really lame in run mode. If I can get him to hunker down and run like an actual ape, that would be prime. Torso on up is good in the run animation. They kinda run like a dog, with the torso kinked in relation to the pelvis, so that the knuckle walk/run does not hit the legs/feet. Most of the videos I watched had the bag legs moving as a single leg while running, and the knuckles hitting the ground more like a horse gallop.
I'm specifically making a combat-ready ape, so maybe somebody else can take it and make non-combat animations, like grazing and grooming at some later point.
I haven't seen any bouncing in place videos yet. In all the attack videos I watched, the attack was either sneaky, or sudden from either calm activity or a stare-down.
I'm not going on much, since most of the ape fights I have watched were more like wrestling than anything else. Does anybody have a video of an ape clubbing something with a stick?
About your post above, you wrote
"Can't have two meshes pointing at the same texture file. It took most of a day to figure it out."
Do you mean you are having trouble with two meshes on the same model pointing to the same texture? Because that is something I commonly do. Do you mean that two skins on the same model can't point to the same texture? Because I do that too, especially when the skin needs to be split into two halves due to the bone complexity, or proximity to other bones making it hard to skin. Both are definitely doable, so your issue may have been fixed simply by coincidence, and there is really another underlying problem.