In search of parts for my "Trio Nefarious" and "Champions of Lolth" models, I decided to take a look at some other games and see about snagging some body parts, equipment, or just see how they rigged stuff.
After about 2 days of playing with League of Legends models (which can be imported easily into GMAX), I decided I wanted to take a look at the hulking body shapes in Torchlight 2.
I had some difficulty at first while trying to find some importers for GMAX. I see some for blender, and some for later versions of 3dsMax which I could not get to work for GMAX. So I decided to stay up late and write a converter to partner with the OgreTools MeshToXML converter.
My tool lets you convert OgreTools XML output directly to a ascii MDL format which is easy to import into GMAX using NwMax model importers.
It isn't completely finished yet, but if you want to take a peek, I put the initial working version on the new vault, here. Further information about how to use it is on that vault project page.
In the future, I'd like to be able to combine the MESH file with the referenced SKELETON file, so I can get the bones set in place. The MESH file also holds all the skin weights for the bones. In addition, all the material properties, such as ambient, diffuse, and specular values are located in a third file which is named similar to the MESH file being opened. At some point, I may be able to create fully rigged skin models for NWN easily with this tool.
For now, it has some issues I want to work out:
- No face normals are set in the MDL file, but I find that 45 degree auto smooth works most of the faces out. Not all, but definitely most.
- The entire model is rendered in a rotated space, laying the model on its back on the floor. Simply transform-rotate the model 90 degrees on the X axis, and then rotate 180 on the Z axis.
- The wireframe color is default to black. I'd prefer green, gray, or to grab the ambient color from the MATERIAL file and use that.
- The executable does not do batches, but a BAT file pointing to the executable can. I'd like to change that, since I am not using any command-line options, I want to make it so you can just send a list of files directly to the exe for conversion.
- The executable is compiled on a win7 x64 machine in VB 2008, so it might not work for everybody. If it doesn't work for you, I'd like to find out how to make it work. I personally don't know a lot about doing that, but I hear compiling it on the other machine remedies the problem. I am adverse to using the JAVA platform, or it would probably already work for everybody.
If you have suggestions or comments, leave them here or on the vault.