A little bit more work on Malky this morning. I may just keep him using the c_harat animations. He just looks very uncomfortable walking around that way, but then again, Corellon and Lolth played him pretty good and forced him to look like a chicken, so why not walk like one too.
Here you can see the mid-swing claw attack. He looks pretty bad ass, especially for not being one of my normal skinned monsters. I'm still trying to find the perfect angle and position for the wing node, which is somehow difficult at 3x size modifier. He still needs to go clothes shopping too. I've also shrunk the neck and head by about 20% so he's not so much top heavy.
In addition, I've been working on the facial features a bit, trying to make him both attractive/handsome, yet disturbing. Just wait til his unhealing, dripping, brow wound is added!
Edit: And here is the first attempt at the scars. I've added a tiny glowing red layer above the scars so it shimmers slightly and can be seen in the dark.
I've also darkened the horns, tail, and talons by quite a bit, but not made them black. The description says that his scaly bits are gray, while his skin and feathers are marble in color (assuming white marble). Darkening those parts also brings out some character in the texture.