I really didn't mind the delay, as I was certainly trying to get some actual compression. Just very surprised that there wasn't any. So I started checking out the jpeg compression my camera uses, and it takes a 30.0 meg 3 channel bitmap and compresses it to 4.62 megs. I guess there simply isn't any more air to squeeze out once it gets to the 7z libraries, which I guess says something good for this particular jpeg algorithm '>
I have no idea how many, if any, will actually use these stock photos, especially from their intended location, but I do hope people might use some for games in addition to NWN, which is the only reason I was leaving my processed textures larger.
I suppose for the purposes of NWN, shrinking the textures substantially and changing the image compression values would not affect the final texture for most people. But for me, that seems to defeat the purpose of having a very high resolution image to take various texture swatches from.
I think my main goal in posting them on the vault is to get rid of the originals, but have them stored somewhere in their original form. Maybe my reason for doing that (keeping them full sized) makes this more personal than community-based, and I should instead reduce them before sharing, and then put the originals on an external drive.