Some more minor stuff:
- The elusive Roper didn't make it into the appearance.2da of q_!fightingsfx.hak, neither did the (Mount) name changes
- Dwarven Halls:
- Cave Entrance Group tile tcdh3_b01_02 - the upper part of this tile (the rock part) does not connect correctly with that of other tiles
- Circle of Pillars Group tile tcdh0_t01_01 - the top seems to be missing
- tile tcdh0_h03_01 - not sure, but it looks like the texture for the pipes (or whatever those are) is missing
- World Map - You're probably aware of this and this tileset is still WiP, but a few tiles needed to make rivers are missing
And a few random (and unasked for) questions/ideas/comments/terrorist demands:
- Any news about Cervantes Skeleton Pirates, the LoW stuff and Wildlands?
- Since there now is an ambientmusic.2da in PQ, how about making it CMP compatible? Not so sure about this myself, many builders use their own custom music anyway, but I think the CMP is quite popular and including it's 2da entries might eliminate the need to attach any other hak for some builders. Just throwing the idea out there to see what others think about this.
- When will the Pizza I ordered 20 minutes ago arrive?
- Throwback to the TNO Winter reskin - If you're really going to tackle this, I think it would be even better to do this as an additional tileset instead of an optional reskin (even though this would require to duplicate and rename all TNO tiles), since it would be more than just a stylistic change (like with the other reskins). Plus it would be cool to be able to use both grass and snow versions in the same module.
1. Roper - Added this morning at line 1271
2. (Mount) Label has been added to the appearance.2da in q_!fightingsfx at the same time as it was in q_2da
3. Dwarven Halls - added to buglist
4. World Map - As stated previously, that tileset was designed to make a very specific configuration. I'll be adjusting it in the coming weeks to be more versatile and user friendly. Ignore it for now.
5. Wildlands is being worked on.
6. Pirates are being worked on.
7. CMP - Hadn't thought of that. It will be done.
8. Pizza - You have three options: 1) do pickup, 2) tip better, 3) cast haste on the driver. Note, it's also possible he was waylaid by bandits '>
9. TNO Winter will be an additional tileset, NOT a reskin option. Due to its anticipated size it will probably be in a self-contained HAK.
10. @ Mecheon - LoW Pirates: Yes, Cervantes is aware. However, I'd like the Zombies to use the basic elements of the Q zombies.
Speaking of zombies and other undead - I've got some other things I'm putting together for a future release:
1. Zombie Commoners (unarmored versions of the Q zombies)
2. Zombie phenotype that uses the zombie animations - be configured to work with Carcerian's new dynamic race options
3. Vampire Spawn and an unreleased Vampire Warrior by _Six