New armor stuff is amazing!
Couple of things I noticed:
It seems to me that parts for the Victorian style clothing (suits, vests, etc,) and fur armor are missing: forearm, belt (not sure if any for fur), pelvis, thighs and shins, maybe feet.
Parts that don't show up (toolset numbering, both male and female missing): neck 006, chest 017 and 020, belt 014, bicep 042, forearm 061, hand 010 and 011, thighs 018 (017 missing 1 leg?), shins 028, feet 022
Hands 018 and 019 are missing textures for males.
The 1.69 coats are doubled (as 007 and 008 and again as 009 and 010), as is one CODI robe (014 and 052).