The Minotaur Chieftain and Shaman both now give me Assertion failed errors and close down the toolset when selecting them in the drop down menu.
Wildwoods - The Castle and Castle Keep terrain as well as the Castle Gate (1x3) tile group don't work (maybe not lowered like the rest of the tiles?).
Maybe on purpose, but Cervantes' Skeleton Pirates seem to not be in it yet.
I like the new way appearance 2da is sorted (minor nitpicks: maybe put all the warthogs and boars together with the pig as Swine: xxx, also: is the Shadow Fiend a demon?).
Shamelessly also abusing this post for a few greedy content suggestions:
- How about also putting in Six's wildlands tilesets? The winter version would be a nice stomping ground for the Remorhaz, Frost Giants and Frozen Zombies,
- A few LoW creatures to round out the menagerie: Yuan Ti Abominations, Marilith Demons and Shadow + Shadow Fiend replacements.