I can't do the 16x16 test. A bit disappointing, but the model exceeds the theoretical capacity of the game engine. It goes like this:
- After consolidating the four tiles in the Barracks2x2 group, the largest trimesh in the model is the one bitmapped with tcn01_stone20 and that has 354 faces (81+33 from tcn01_s19_01, 72+22 from tcn01_s20_01, 32+14 from tcn01_t19_01 and 82+18 from tcn01_t20_01).
- It takes 64 such groups to fill a 16x16 area, so after making a single model for the whole area and consolidating trimeshes by bitmap, we get a single trimesh bitmapped with tcn01_stone20, with 64x354 = 22656 faces.
- When a model is compiled or loaded, the tverts in each trimesh are exploded so that each face gets its own 3 tverts. So we would have a trimesh with 3x22656 = 67968 tverts.
- In the game engine, tverts are indexed by 16-bit unsigned integers, so you can't have more that 65536 of them in a single trimesh.
- 67968 > 65536.
- Bang! '>
I heard that bang all the way over here, across that little thing they call a pond...
NWN is great, for it's day, but there were all sorts of limitations, and even though we have pushed those limits far beyond what BIoware originally thought possible, we are still working with an ancient (in computer parlance) engine. One that truly does not utilize the power of our computer systems.
This whole experiment was an interesting thing to investigate, but we still end up with the results we started with. An engine that can not handle high poly objects of the sort that newer games can handle, an Engine that does not use the possible texture abilities provided by all of that wonderful new hardware that we all currently use etc. However, having said all of that, I still believe that NWN still provides more to a potential world builder, much more power than any other game out there even today. No other engine allows a single person to build with such speed and power that NWN allows.
Yeah, we are a bit limited in some of the graphics capabilities that some of the new games offer, as in things like Skyrim, however, I think more people have built useful and interesting worlds with NWN than anything I have actually played or seen with Skyrim. Given that the graphics are a bit dated, and the landscape building options are limited due to the tile based system, we still have MUCH more ability with NWN than the other games I have investigated. Granting of course, that I have NOT tried everything, nor will I, unless someone points me to something that will actually blow my socks off.
From what playing around I have done in Skyrim and it's more powerful graphical engine, I have found it to be MUCH more difficult to actually get working models into the game, and have found no real way to build terrain systems for it similar to the way I have built tilesets for NWN. I am not saying it is not possible, just that it is extremely time and brain power consuming process, and the tools required to do even simple things make it nearly worthless to me personally. Why would anyone wish to have to use 5 or 6 different tools just to get ONE completely NEW item into the game is not something that I can fathom.
Thank you for your efforts OMB, and I am sure you enjoyed trying to achieve it as well. Since I know how much you love attacking mathematical problems looking for better solutions '>
P.S. If anyone has a game or even an engine that they think might surprise me or be something that I would enjoy working with, PLEASE let me know!