I was going to post this a few days ago and I just didn't have time to write it all up. Seeing the threads about CEP/Q and a potential CEP/Q merge I just wanted to get your opinions/ideas on this. Right now there are a buttload of placeables in CEP and, IMO, the only way a fresh builder can really get to know them all is to basically go through, appearance by appearance, and memorize them. BTW, this isn't specific to CEP, it's more of a general problem when you have a large number of placeable appearances and sometimes differing names for similar items. Uh, so "Rock" vs "Stone" vs "Boulder". That kind of situation.
Normally, the solution would be to just make palette entries for your appearances but we're talking about situations where making a blueprint for each appearance would be prohibitive. So, pretty specific problem.
I'd like to get any feedback or ideas on how we could move some portion of the building process (let's just say placeables at the moment) to something that could be taken care of in-game or, put another way, outside the toolset. Something which might allow even a newbie have a little easier time accessing the full range of placeables without having to invest so much time and memory to get up to speed.
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. This is pretty convoluted, I admit. The user would make their area in the tileset and set the raised or lowered areas, etc. Then launch the map. Their player character would have a bunch of widgets, each one basically a palette category or subcategory and by activating them it brings up a radial menu (hopefully with easy-to-identify icons) and they can place individual placeable instances or multiple instances (like a cluster of trees) using those widgets. Adjust their facing, etc. Then they run a special widget which writes all that information out to the log file and they run a utility to extract the data from the log file, converting it into XML which would be converted into a GIC for the area. Area could then be edited conventionally.
Like I said, pretty convoluted. I'm not entirely sure if some of this would be possible, like the radial menu (if there are any limitations there), or even how useful it would be.
Does anyone have thoughts on the topic?