Well today was kinda stressful, and my camera battery didn't last as long as I had hoped. About half as long. But I did get a good quantity of photos taken. After I got home, I put together a new textures package or two and posted them to the new vault.
Set 1400 contains the 256 textures I made last week for playing around with my tree builder. They are very bright, likely too bright, for most of your uses in NWN. I personally make areas that are brighter and softer. If that is your style, you will enjoy pack 1400.
Set 1500 contains the new 512 or larger files I made today. Most of the textures are from my trip today, but many of them are from older trips in other states. I've tried to take the lighting down to a level more equal to vanilla content, but I left a lot of the rock and sand at a lighter value. Most of the wood images are of dead trees. I personally didn't have half enough dead woods texture for my previous forest tilesets. When I redo them in full, I would much prefer to have realistic looking dead wood.
I have not yet packed any foliage because I haven't fully decided how I want it for my own use. I'll mention it here when I do release that.
There is still so much more to take pictures of in just this town alone. I missed 90% of the beech/oak forest and barely scratched the surface of the mixed area, and got none of the landscaped play areas. So many species, and not enough hours in a day. And that is just one of our parks.