Cloth 1, Cloth 2 for the underskirt, and Metal 1 for studs and other embellishments yep.
'> Also goes pretty well with non-gothy colours. Very "Belle" in gold.
Ragged witch-dress, eh? I can do that. Best get one version completely done first though, including the male variant - even if next to nobody is going to want to put their dragon-slaying adventurer men into shiny dresses, consistency demands that the option be there.
The model of the Robe-skirt still needs work - there's something a little off about the lighting, the right foot clips through it in places when running, and I'm pretty sure it's more complex than it needs to be (but I pretty much have no idea whatsoever what I'm doing with this so I may be talking nonsense). Not sure I have the modeling skillz to set up a flared skirt to look decent animated, yet. One day I shall, and there shall be flared skirts... but that day is probably not going to be within this month.
@Tarot Redhand
::inspects teeth::
::nods solemnly:: You should get a nice ski mask to cover that up. Think of the children!