I wanted one particular head geometry from a certain game for my main character on my LAN, as I had already done a texture but had no skills with 3D art. I also had no 3DSMax. Instead of pestering Estelindis for just one head, or complaining that somehow the one head geometry I was really interested in securing somehow didn't make it in and therefore her head pack was obviously incomplete and a disappointment, I simply explained my interest in why I wanted it and asked if she would mind a quick write up as a how-to.
That is showing respect for a CC makers contributions, not dinegrating her for not converting every head in the game.
Instead, being one of the most personable individuals I've come across on here, this goddess was patient enough to make time for me from probably six time zones away, during her busy day-to-day schedule, to patiently coach me step by step over messenger from beginning to end (with screen caps, even). Had I approached her in the manner of this post, I'd likely not have had the treatment from her I did.
The point is, I would think she is characteristic of many of the CC creators that are still here, always willing to help, and their contributions should be celebrated. Adding something does not create a status of incomplete, it's (free) bonus content.
It comes down to how one frames their presentation, and your initial presentation does come off as entitled and disparaging. Making an unconstructive criticism and then treating the criticism of that as mob mentality is just extreme.
Modifié par Malagant, 26 janvier 2014 - 01:57 .