I was about to write it on the new CEP wiki, but its actually not bugged, just completely bad designed so I rather write here how others look at this issue before I suggest to do anything about it.
Heartbeat scripts in a CEP placeables. (zep_torchspawn, zep_doorspawn)
This is an issue from CEP1 that was inherited, and afaik almost every PW builders are removing this sooner or later as this is especially when builder uses these placeables a lot draining lot of resources.
Problem is that this looks to be intented and used in conjuction with the OnUse scripts.
Now to the details, one of those scripts is zep_doorspawn.
Ive checked this and this seems to be the only way to enforce the correct behavior of this placeable door concept itself. Wonder if someone actually found a usage for this but this can be hardly removed.
Second is the famous zep_torchspawn.
This is adding a light visual effect at day/night, not exactly clever from the code myself and ingame I have never noticed this. Maybe someone know more about this?
BTW, cannot be the lightning that the heartbeat script is adding added directly in the model itself somehow?
BTW2: if this will be eventually decided to be removed it won't change the functionality of the placeables placed inside older modules. Just fyi as this knowhow has big impact on the decision itself.
Indirect proposal: Remove the zep_use_chair script and replace it with the x2_plc_used_sit.
Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 19 février 2014 - 05:06 .