Pstemarie wrote...
If you guys can get an updater working like the rsync one we had for Q, it'd make your lives much easier. You could add fixes, update HAKs automatically, and fix things on the fly. My ultimate goal for Q when I took over was to move away from the occasional annual updates and into a smaller, more timely update system through rsync - I was aiming for monthly. Unfortunately, we lost our ftp host and the guy taking care of it.
Frequent CEP updates would be great for adding value to the community quickly, and maybe reduce the old dilemma of CEP being out of step with artists' current work. We need to discuss the release process, though. How do we agree content? How do we test it? Needs to be pretty slick, to remain open to all, yet deliver updates that builders can trust.
I'm not keen on auto-update. All change has inherent risk, so I'd rather manage version and quality control of my module manually.