CEP 2.4 is the most up to date version available. Evidently there was going to be a version 2.5 (with my CCC brownie additions and a bunch of new doors), but that never materialized.
I'm currently running all of the converted-from-NWN2 placeable models through CleanModels 3.5 to fix errors and correct the ambient/diffuse lighting. Currently done: 179 of 967. Evidently some of these models have a lot of errors that are getting corrected...I've noticed in the log window that one of the church models had over 13k errors fixed!
I made a note on the CEP2 Fixes page (on the wiki) that I was running those placeables for those fixes. Thanks for noting them on there.
If anyone wants to start listing other content (models, textures, scripts, etc.) that needs fixing, that'll be very helpful for myself and for anyone else that wants to get things going. If you can be as specific as possible about what needs to be fixed, it would be great (file names would be awesome so that we can just use NWN Explorer Reborn to find them).
You can also use the wiki (or the CEP forum) to give suggestions on newer content that could be added. Just include the title and project/Vault URL, so the rest of us can easily find it to a) give our thoughts on the addition and
contact the creator to get permission to include it.
Edit: Wow. I thought maybe the CleanModels program had frozen up on me, but I decided to just ignore it while I posted here. Nope. It just took a long time to work through one model to fix
68,388 errors.
Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 26 janvier 2014 - 03:52 .