Yes, as far as I know, there are no constants in nwscript for the disappear/appear animations, but I was wondering if there was a number for them. Every animation is identified by a number in nwscript (thats what the constants do), and there are many numbers that are not identified with constants (43 - 99 for example). But I have not taken the time to go through each one to see if there are any animations at those. Once upon a time way back in the beginning of my play with all of this (like 2010) I did run an iterative loop on spiders for every animation, but I foolishly didn't record what each number did and I can not remember if the disappear or appear animations were amongst them.
Well when I have a moment, I'll rewrite that script, and run it on a spider and/or beholder and see what happens at the unnamed indexes.
Currently I am rewriting my move skill script to make better use of animations and be more versatile. I really like that OldManWhistler made the original that so many PWs installed, but I've reworked the functionality of it so much that its time I do a complete rewrite and eliminate the mess. Will take me an evening when I have one.
Thanks again for the work on the animations. I love animations. They are magical treasures that bring the characters to life. Thank you very much for all you've done. Like reworking the coat animations for some of the alt combat phenos in Q. I do hope you get to fencing one of these days (my favorite one of those), but I am patient. What you've done so far and what you are doing now (with TNO) is great stuff and much appreciated. Same goes to you ShadowM and Amethyst Dragon. It is all appreciated. I love that I don't have to do all this stuff myself, but that we can all share our efforts collectively.
Modifié par henesua, 13 janvier 2014 - 04:03 .