I think in general a server side hak does not need purely visual / audio assets:
The server's hak does need files related to "art content" for controlling movement and what's visible to other assets in the game. So it'll need .wok files (tileset walkmeshes, to determine where PCs and NPCs can move and what they can see), .pwk files (placeable walkmeshes to determine were PCs and NPCs can not move), various 2da files which define the size of things (such as appearance.2da and all it's creature space/movement/etc. settings), and other files the game server would need to function properly.
I did the same thing a few months ago, stripping out all the unneeded files from my PW's haks, CEP, and Project Q. Took my 8.5+ GB of haks on the server down to 279 MB.
Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 21 décembre 2013 - 09:44 .