Thank you very much, Silmewen. '>
Still plenty of things to do! My most recent work has been getting the platform terrain to paint right up to the mountains and putting some doors in the mountains that would lead into caves or whatever. '>
Got the group with buildings around trees working properly (though haven't put door entries into the set file yet). Here is a picture! It seemed to work best leaving the first of the three platforms and turning the other two into buildings. I am not sure if I should make another version with a tower going up from the ground through the first platform and some other little buildings connected via walkways... I'll see!
I will probably keep tinkering with the tileset for a good while, so it's really a question for you to decide if/when the tileset has enough features for you to be building with, or if you want to wait longer. For the record, I generally keep a reasonably up-to-date version of the hak in this public onedrive folder, if you ever want to get your hands on the most recent version. The caveat is that the most recent version may have extra problems that I introduced without fixing yet (e.g. edge tiles aren't currently up-to-date, due to the addition of the gazebo crosser and mountain-platform intersection tiles).