Shemsu-Heru wrote...
I'm wondering, if could be possible, to apply a script, to a certain weapon, in order to change its default sounds. Something like that would be very useful with my bone and obsidian blades, to avoid that the have the metallic sound, that their kind of weapons have as default???
The sounds are tied to the baseitem. That said, it is certainly possible to create new baseitems for your bone and stone weapons and apply different sound sets in the baseitems.2da under the column "WeaponMatType" which is an index into the weaponsounds.2da.
Copy the longsword line (1) to the end and renumber it. change the WeaponMatType to something more... er, "bone-ish" (edit: perhaps the axe (16)?) and perhaps change the stats. Give it a try :-)
<...a bit pessimistic>
Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 20 décembre 2013 - 11:01 .