That was a great idea, Shadooow. I've done a simple port to Community Patch 1.72 beta 7. http://neverwinterva...nearthed-arcana
I've been using this script myself for over a year now, and I've actually found it not to be too overpowered versus what's already in the game.
Ranger 12/Wizard 8. Level 4 arcane spells, 6 attacks per round, 2 at 16(-2) attack bonus. Compare Ranger 3/Cleric 17. Level 9 divine spells, 5 attacks per round, 3 at 20(-2) attack bonus using Divine Power. In the former, caster level goes from 8->14. In the latter, 17->18. Needless to say, the Ranger/Wizard is still sub-optimal, but needed the help. The Ranger/Cleric is still more powerful.
Balance may be a little harder at level 40, but it always is. Almost no single player content goes to level 40.