I was thinking of a way tonight to "fake" ship tiles. It'll take some experimentation to see if it looks ok, then
a lot of work, but the basics would be:
a) an "empty/invisible" tileset
- - - no visible ground
- - - no visible features
- - - perhaps the ability to do a single raise/lower?
- - - all "wood" ground type by default (for foorstep sounds)?
- - - all walkable by default
ship placeable(s)
- - - set so that deck level is even with ground level. (PCs would appear to walk on the deck(s)
- - - raised 3D wok meshes for railings/masts/etc.
c) "blocking" placeables
- - - non-rendering placeables
- - - movement-blocking wok meshes for between ships
- - - multiple sizes (so that both large and small areas can be covered with fewer placeables
- - - placeables would be static for faster/lasting movement calculations
Some Pros:
- easier to make than tile features for each ship
- could line up raised ship decks with raised terrain
- ship positions not necessarily locked into N/S or E/W orientation
- would open possibility of scripted ship movement with PCs visible
- would make for easier non-PC-visible cutscenes
Some Cons:
- more work needed to arrange areas for walkable space purposes
- wouldn't work as well with random placement of creatures/items/etc.
- would basically
require spherical skyboxes and no area fog (I'd use distance of 300 meters)
- - exception: you'd want some fog for the phlogiston
- multiple elevations ship decks would have to be based on layering placeables and raised terrain
- would require Spelljammer ship models, all scaled correctly
- - - Spelljammer deck plans used 5 foot square grids (5 ft = 1.524 meters).
- - - there is a nice looking hammership tile group, but the screenshots show it's way oversized
- - - could get away with almost doubling the scales, but 10 m grid is just too large
- ship models any distance from PCs would have to either be set as static (so they'll render) or have their bases within ~4 tiles of every PC in the area
Also, now I need to go pull my Spelljammer collection off my "D&D stuff" shelf. If anyone needs a published ship or item description or image to work from (if it's not already online somewhere), I've likely got it. I've got all 4 box sets and multiple sourcebooks stowed away. Yeah, I liked the campaign setting...not so much for connecting various gameworlds (meh), but for more of a "hells yeah! space pirates without lasers!" setting.
Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 02 septembre 2013 - 03:56 .