You can find the NWN tile slicer if you open the 'General Utils' of NWmax.
Add a door to your model and make a walkmesh that covers all four tiles.
You will get sanity check errors if you export it, but after tileslicer has split it,
it will be okay.
Now enter a prefix like ttf03 and x01 or whatever the tiles of your tilegroup should be named.
Leave the variation number as it is (01) because the variation number of the first tile of your
tilegroup should be 01.
Select all the geometry of your tilegroup, but not any lights or dummies. Tile slicer will not
work if any of those are selected.
Make sure 'center is at 0,0' is checked. I've had some very bad crashes trying to slice tilegroups where the center was not at 0,0.
Now make sure that the center of your tile group is at 0,0.
Now click on the 'guess' button and the dimensions of your tilegroup should be 2 rows, 2 cloumns.
If they are not, enter those values manualy.
Now select which of the options you want to use, for example let the tile slicer create the tile lights
for you or you'll have to add them yourself later.
Now click the 'slice' button. The finished tiles will all appear black. Select each of the four aurora
base dummies the tile slicer created and export the models (ttf03_x01_01 to ttf03_x01_04).
Modifié par Zwerkules, 19 août 2013 - 02:51 .