Author Topic: CleanModels 3.5.1  (Read 405 times)

Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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CleanModels 3.5.1
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2013, 11:05:43 pm »

               Thank you soooo much for releasing this version OMB.  As you know I tended to use whatever latest/greatest version you developed while you were helping CTP and I am glad to see those extra features now released to the public!

Folks, if you have not already done so, grab this Utility, read the documentation, and play around with it.

It is entirely invaluable when working with orignal Bioware sorce tilesets, and likely nearly as invaluable when working with a tileset released by anyone else as well.  There are some exceptions out there of course, but 99% of tilesets could use a pass through the CM3 program to clean up well known, but easily forgotten errors that are generated with various export/import utilities that are used by the general CC comunity.  Some folks insist that The bioware export/import tools are better, some folks insist that the set of tools released  by other folks are better, I can tell you without doubt that BOTH of those import/export script sets have issues, some worse that others, but neither one is bug free.  CM3 will fix them both as well as some other errors that folks may not care sooo much about or know about.

OMB has a phiosophy that anything that CAN be fixed, SHOULD be fixed if it is possible to be fixed.  CM3 has evolved overtime to handle whatever bugs he can identify and to fix them, (or not if you choose).  He has built into CM3 some extra features that you may or may not find useful, ways to raise or lower entire tilesets, ways to cleanup edge tiles to remove crap that is not used by the engine for an edge-tile, so it then loads the tile(s) faster.  Ways to handle water to make it appear more animated, ways to adjust lighting etc... the list goes on and on.

Give CM3 a try, I sincerely doubt that you will be disappointed.  If you set it up correctly, with different inut/output folders, even if it does something you do NOT like, you can easily revert.

A well designed user interface, and a smashingly good set of tools.

Thanks again OMB, CTP would never have been able to accomplish the number of sets we released without your CM3, oh we could have fixed the bugs, but it would have taken years longer to accomplish!

P.S. last couple of edits was to correct spelling issues caused by my fat fingers on such a friggin small keyboard!


                     Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 28 juillet 2013 - 10:18 .



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CleanModels 3.5.1
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2013, 10:58:16 am »


Thanks, ol' friend. '<img'>

I'm not planning to do any more work in the NWN world myself, just clearing the decks, but I thought, as CM3.5 existed, folks here might as well have it.

It's as much your brainchild as mine, though. It's an archive of the practical knowledge about how to fix and improve models, that was built up over the years by the CTP team under your inspired leadership. Quite literally a knowledge archive, because it's programmed as an IKBS. So people can go on getting the benefit of that expertise when we're not around and using it as a springboard for their own work. In that way, it's part of the CTP's legacy, just as our finished tilesets are.

Except, now, it doesn't just do tilesets. ':wizard:'