PLUSH HYENA of DOOM wrote...
Cain Maris...
There are only so many options within "Project Editing" to hit with a brick. However, I hit anything and everything in sight with a big brick (again) that might have even the most tenuous and oblique potential for not allowing you to find the file.
Try again and let me know if you succeed/fail. It's doubtless all entirely my fault since, though I've been throwing CC on the Vault over at IGN for years, I've never actually used one of these Projects before and so still have to learn to hunt out all the little tabs and checkboxes and kill them firmly dead into tiny pieces.
Neeshka SHOULD now be entirely free and open to the entire space-time continuum.
I have rejoined the space-time continuum! Yes! Haven't been here since about 1993...
(By which I mean "Got it. Thanks.")
Modifié par Cain Maris, 18 janvier 2014 - 09:17 .