Below are 3 more pics of the newest imports, but there's a problem with some of these that means I might pull the last 2 groups. It seems that in some cases the branch areas aren't double thick on the mesh so you can only see the texture from certain directions. To fix this, you'd have to go to each problem area, clone the selected vertices and flip them so that the tree stays the same no matter which way you look. I could probably do that in Blender, but its beyond my skill in Max/ Gmax.
So unless someone was willing to take that up, I'll probably pull the one done already and not use any future meshes with the same problem.
1st pic below has 4 trees - a canary bush and coconut palm with 2 variations, and two large canopy trees.
A camilia tree with seasonal variations. Will probably be pulled.
A camphor tree with seasonal variations. Will probably be pulled. This actually has each tree with two placeables in the same spot for each, rotated 180 degrees from each. It helped a bit with the appearance, but still not enough.