As far as I know, you cannot place a Door onto anything but a Tileset Door Node in NWN1. You can't have a Door Node in a Placeable.
You can make a Placeable Door that can be opened and closed and you can script it to be used as an Area Transition similar to a proper Door, but it would have to be a seperate model to the building.
We Module Builders can easily enough shove Placeable Doors or Area Trans trigger boxes, etc in appropriate places beside these building models.
As with the previous Screenshots, these are looking excellent and adding no end to my desire to lay paws upon these models and start placing them everywhere... well, not EVERYWHERE, but you know what I mean... As to textures and the colours thereof, we can all make changes and adjustments to our own artistic sensibilities/needs.
Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 18 avril 2013 - 03:26 .