Author Topic: Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.  (Read 1859 times)

Legacy_Sadira of Tyr

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2013, 01:13:38 pm »


3RavensMore wrote...

Fact is, nothing drives people away from a community faster than to start hurling insults and bickering. Can we please let it go before even more people leave? Please? Seriously guys.

I agree completely.

And the comments about females. We are part of the community too. Could we have a little more respect please.

I for one, appreciate all the hard work the cep team has done, and I look forward to seeing version 2.5. I could not imagine building without cep. I get a lot of compliments from players, because of the nice things I have used from cep. Even their scripts have made things much easier for me.

What's not to like about having more clothes. A lot of players like to dress up their characters.


Legacy_Sir Adril

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2013, 01:45:52 pm »


Sadira of Tyr wrote...

3RavensMore wrote...

Fact is, nothing drives people away from a community faster than to start hurling insults and bickering. Can we please let it go before even more people leave? Please? Seriously guys.

I agree completely.

And the comments about females. We are part of the community too. Could we have a little more respect please.

I for one, appreciate all the hard work the cep team has done, and I look forward to seeing version 2.5. I could not imagine building without cep. I get a lot of compliments from players, because of the nice things I have used from cep. Even their scripts have made things much easier for me.

What's not to like about having more clothes. A lot of players like to dress up their characters.

I agree with you. Insults and bickering tend to scare off lurkers who might otherwise have joined the community proper. Insulting any group, it doesn't matter which, is always a bad call. Insulting comments about females keep women from joining things - which just perpetuates the 'girls don't play these games' myths. Being nice to girls is good - it means more girls to flirt with '<img'>

I happen to like the CEP. Yes, it's huge, and yes, I'd have organized it differently, but the size of it is a side effect of making something that needs to keep a large and varied audience happy - not everyone wants this or that, but enough people do that it's a good idea to include it. If downloading the CEP is such a major hassle for your potential players that they decide they'd rather not play, you probably need to work on your synopsis writing skills. If your module sounds too amazing to miss, they won't scoff at downloading more haks to play it - and, once they have those haks, they're more likely to download other modules that use those haks, which opens the floodgates and means everyone downstream of you gets a much-needed bit of help in prompting reluctant downloaders to give something another chance.


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2013, 02:04:00 pm »

               @Sadira of Tyr
You may mean me and let me explain what you got wrong. If malishara the stanger female would be a guy i would call him the stranger dude so no disresepct to you ladies in any kind of form. You ladies are very sensitive and i got that but a little closer read showed you that I stompedon  that barry dude much more '<img'>

And i love ladies!!! but malishara is no lady to me and just a stranger female being summoned by barry out of the nine hells who threated me/us:devil: and i dont like to be threated when i dont have a close range face to face. There is a difference between an insult and a treat at least imo!


                     Modifié par NWN_baba yaga, 17 février 2013 - 02:21 .



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #48 on: February 17, 2013, 04:46:54 pm »

               You ladies are very sensitive?  A very wise man once said "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."  You're comment was highly offensive.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #49 on: February 17, 2013, 04:57:56 pm »

               <taking off all his robes...>

My Momma used to tell me the only way to avoid Foot-in-mouth disease is to keep mouth shut :-)

*scratches head* Still working on figuring out what she meant... ;-P

<...and walking barefoot on coals>



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2013, 05:38:13 pm »

               That's not the only way, Rolo.
I'm a dwarf and my mouth is not that far away from my feet and yet I've found a way to avoid foot-in-mouth disease without having to keep my mouth shut. I'm simply so fat that I couldn't get my feet into my mouth no matter how hard I tried.'<img'>

However if what I say is offensive enough I think I might still end up with a foot in my mouth - just not my own.


                     Modifié par Zwerkules, 17 février 2013 - 05:41 .


Legacy_Sadira of Tyr

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2013, 06:15:46 pm »


NWN_baba yaga wrote...

@Sadira of Tyr
You may mean me and let me explain what you got wrong. If malishara the stanger female would be a guy i would call him the stranger dude so no disresepct to you ladies in any kind of form. You ladies are very sensitive and i got that but a little closer read showed you that I stompedon  that barry dude much more '<img'>

And i love ladies!!! but malishara is no lady to me and just a stranger female being summoned by barry out of the nine hells who threated me/us:devil: and i dont like to be threated when i dont have a close range face to face. There is a difference between an insult and a treat at least imo!

I know what I got right. This thread will not bring in any new players. All of this negativity will just scare them away.

I do not know the people involved, so I cannot really comment on that. I do know that without cep, the game would not be near as fun. That is what we are talking about, isn't it, a game we play to have some fun. I'm not seeing much fun here.

Rolo Kipp wrote...

<taking off all his robes...>

My Momma used to tell me the only way to avoid Foot-in-mouth disease is to keep mouth shut :-)

*scratches head* Still working on figuring out what she meant... ;-P

<...and walking barefoot on coals>

Very sage advice Rolo. If only more people would listen.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2013, 06:55:24 pm »

               In Baba's defense, I didn't see any negative comment about women in general here. Just a negative comment about a particular individual who happened to be female (supposedly.)  Trust me if I had, I would have given that person an earful (or eyeful as the case may be) myself.

It's true negativity can push people away I do agree, but at the same time nothing ever changes if people don't voice their concerns.

"I am no heroine"- Ani Difranco
"Not a pretty girl"- Also by Ani Difranco


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 17 février 2013 - 07:34 .


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2013, 07:12:38 pm »

               i just let it go and accept the role as the evil sexist. ':kissing:'


                     Modifié par NWN_baba yaga, 17 février 2013 - 07:49 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2013, 07:33:24 pm »


Constructive criticism is a delicate art. For example;

Destructive: CEP stupid because it is overly bloated with minimal content I want to use.

Constructive: CEP is very large, with some excellent content, but only a small proportion I would be interested in using. This is increasingly a concern in an age of increasing module sizes in their own right, and adding that many resources to a mod to only use a fraction doesn’t make any sense. A possible solution might be breaking it down into individual separately downloadable components (e.g. tilesets, creatures, placeables, items [clothes?], ect…) so that people could pick and choose what aspects they want for their particular world.

P.S. No one else is allowed to put their foot in their mouth but me here. That's my specality, and anyone else trying is just a poser.


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 17 février 2013 - 07:35 .



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2013, 08:02:47 pm »

               The point of the criticism is not to denigrate the CEP. And its clear to me that Baba is neither attacking CEP, nor wishing that it never existed. So claims about how much fun CEP has enabled or the benefits of its clothing options indicate to me that the point has been lost here.

The problem is that CEP is poorly managed, of an unmanageable size, and behind the times. The result of these factors is that it is stuck in the doldrums going nowhere, and the community that relies on it is in the same place.

Another problem is that when anyone has mentioned the importance of starting fresh or getting involved with CEP, members of CEP - especially Malishara during a period last year as Baba has pointed out - have come out guns ablazing to shoot us down.

CEP 3 should have been in the works by 2010. Around that time however the CEP "team" ran from the community due to claims of negativity. Very unfortunate timing, but has very little to do with how rough it was here for them. It really stems from being overly reluctant to change.

Change is long overdue.


                     Modifié par henesua, 17 février 2013 - 08:04 .



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2013, 08:44:30 pm »

               Might I suggest that in the interests of galactic peace, there is a seemingly obvious solution to this problem?  Stop fretting over what CEP team has or has not done, and instead use the energy expended on the cyclical bashing of that project to create an all-new community content package?  There is already a spectacular start in the content released in the monthly CCC.  Form a team, make some design decisions, and start added content from the vault for a new, leaner, meaner, fightin' machine.  Er…I mean, custom content compilation.


Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2013, 09:02:23 pm »


NWN_baba yaga wrote...

you ladies are very sensitive

Don't wanna derail the thread (again), but...

Pro tip: if you accidentally insult someone, apologize and correct it. Don't tell them they're too sensitive.


                     Modifié par Squatting Monk, 17 février 2013 - 09:18 .



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2013, 09:02:33 pm »


3RavensMore wrote...

Might I suggest that in the interests of galactic peace, there is a seemingly obvious solution to this problem?  Stop fretting over what CEP team has or has not done, and instead use the energy expended on the cyclical bashing of that project to create an all-new community content package?  There is already a spectacular start in the content released in the monthly CCC.  Form a team, make some design decisions, and start added content from the vault for a new, leaner, meaner, fightin' machine.  Er…I mean, custom content compilation.

Already done, but definitely not in the manner you suggest which would be a big mistake. There is no need to follow the CEP model anymore. Its a dead paradigm.

And again its not about bashing the project, but pointing out the problem. You have to identify a problem to undestand the solution.



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Difference between CEP 2.3 and 2.4? And a frank discussion on CEP in general.
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2013, 09:32:21 pm »

               Great!  Where can I download it?  How exactly was/is it being created?