Master Jax's comments about Zwerkules/T0r0's grass, T0r0's response and Baba Yaga's
comment all seem to have their root in the variable camera zoom. IMO, having a camera that can zoom in and out that much puts a hefty burden on a CC creator to make a model/texture look good- even at a zoom level which I'd argue is unrealistic and not indicative of how the object is actually going to be viewed most of the time by most of the players.
Now, obviously Diablo 3 is a game whose models don't just rely on diffuse textures for their detail, but I thought
this post was interesting to consider in light of the min/max camera issue I'm talking about. AFAIK, Diablo 3 only has two levels of zoom and the closest is still
way farther away than the close up with NWN. So if you were creating models for that platform, you have a standard perspective to work with.
Way back when CEP was something rtrifts/Steel_Wind was toying with the idea of, he made an interesting set of guidelines which CC creators could use to keep in mind when making models and which I think serve to shelter CC creators from min/max criticism related to the camera zoom.
Here is the first revised set of guidelines by rtrifts and then, after Eligio Sacateca brought the project back from the dead, there was a
poll on the NWVault to get an idea of the video card capabilities of NWNers. Another revision of the guidelines (taking that new data into account)
Do I think we need to convene an ecumenical council to determine what the guidelines should be in 2012? Dunno.
Do I think people would pay attention to them? Double dunno.
Do I think guidelines in some form help the CC community? Absolutely.
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 22 novembre 2012 - 07:44 .