Just a ghost wrote...
Alright, getting somewhere. Strange things happens, though. I was testing some reflection settings in the 2da file and noticed quite a difference in looks when I see the PLCs in the toolset. When I test in game I see no difference at all. Seems the environment maps are ignored. Wut's up, doc?
I believe what's going on there is static objects take their environment map from a .txi file (i.e. a text file with the same name as the texture you applied to the mesh, and with the line "envmaptexture (your envmap texture)" in it), while non-static paceables are going to get their environment map from the file (if any) listed in the "reflection" (sp?) column in placeables.2da.
Just a ghost wrote...
Ohhh... and a realted question: is it possible to merge a few primitive shapes into one trimesh?
If you mean "primitive" literally,
here's how you'd want to do it. If you mean it from a more beginner's standpoint, the first two minutes of
this is probably an easier way of going about it. BTW, instead of Editable Poly you'll want to use Editable Mesh.
Actually, Editable Poly is pretty much superior to Editable Mesh for doing just about anything, but they use quads instead of triangles so you'll likely have to convert it over to Editable Mesh before you export. The reason why I say "likely" is because NWMax can export some things without them having to be converted into an Editable Mesh by hand.
Edit: Oh, and as Baba said, you definitely don't want to be attaching meshes which use different textures.
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 08 novembre 2012 - 03:53 .