Well as I suspected would be the case, I couldn't find the module I was looking for. However as is normally the case I found 2 others
The first one is a Fiendish Maze.
This works in a similar way to the one in my module
Hrothgar's Resting Place. However, where the one in Hrothgar is 8x8 this one is 16x16 i.e. 4 times the size. Not only that but I have placed a number of levers, in groups of four, throughout the maze. While I know I have included the scripts for animating them I don't think I actually made them do anything. If you decide to make use of this, you could add your code or you could leave them as is, as your players will go crazy trying to figure out just what they do
The second module is a different but arguably better demo module for map mats minis.
The reason it can be reguarded as being better is that (I think) all the minis are displayed. The downside is that it requires additional haks and each area takes forever and a day to open in the toolset. The full list of required haks is-
- soz_mini
- map_mats
- map_mats_sp1
- map_mats_minis
The module has 5 areas. Areas 1 to 4 inclusive have the map mats minis and area 5 has the george's soz_min placeables for contrast.
With this last entry I have as far I can remember uploaded all the things that I intend to upload for now. This could change but do not expect another upload tommorrow.