are you planning on "editing as an editor" the posts/replies in the forum contents? I know we get huge amounts of "hey, great idea, can't help you" type of responses etc, that just waste space and bandwidth, and also frustrate folks looking for an actual answer.
<ducking all the flying cow chips I see coming my way>
I know, I know, "editing" is a pain, and sometimes considered negative, BUTT (where is that smiley with the shaking derriere anyway?), BUTT, removing extraneous stuff for something important like this could really prove invaluable. Not sure how to handle that without further discussion, as a community needs to feel like they "belong." BUTT the extraneous posts make it sometimes very frustrating for someone just looking for an "answer" instead of a discussion about how pretty the MOON is tonight.
Also, beyond removing extraneous postings, editing for spelling and clarity might also prove useful. Most especially for important aspects of the thread. Things like spelling issues where someone accidentally typed .DDA when we ALL know they meant .DDS instead, excpet of course the newbie that is left desperately searching for that danged .DDA file that is causing all the problems and can't find any anywhere.
<lift my head to see if the incoming is done>
<spluttering, dang it, knew I should have kept my mouth shut!>
If this "group" of folks copying this stuff and formalizing it into a final format wishes, I will offer my services as an editor prior to final posting wherever you all decide to post the online version. Provided of course, that whatever format/document style you decide upon is something that I can fairly easily figure out and use. (I hate .wiki as .wiki may be powerful, but takes a HUGE amount of extra code typing to make it work.) BBCODE comes to mind as a fairly simple, yet still very powerful way to offer formatting, assuming (yes, I know, A S S out of me) of course that the final product is intended as a web available resource, not a .PDF which requires a special reader and is a bit of a pain to create as it typically also requires a paid for application. (Remember, I am in hospital, waiting for medicade to decide whether or not I get to keep my leg or they will just cut it off since I don't have insurance, a job, nor any fut.ure hope of any such).
Anyway, I have time, and some limited skill, and I can read/write with the best 4th grader, so I will help if I can.
<after finally getting my mouth clear, I peak over the top again, and notice something that looks like an automated firing mechanism aimed directly at me but just can't seem to duck down fast enough as it fires again>
Edit: Sorry Rolo, attempting to attempt to follow your weird double or is it triple talking style with very limited success.