Here be trails
'> can spot both the base flat crosser variations and the trail going up over the 0011 tiles, as well as the 0022 ones (there 2 tiles are needed to get a smooth S running upwards, since the raise value is 3, wich means 6 for the 2nd raise) thats thanks to Six for explaining me a nice method to build up those alphaed trails
I think the power of the multiple raise sys is showing here: once you complete the base terrain, setting up crossers its an easy thing (just the fun of modelling) without having to sort out all the variations you need to get it work if you use a multiple terrain system to implement double or triple raise. here, with less than 100 tiles, I have a quadruple raise working (in truth, I am not 100% sure I made all variations, since some time I experience the red selector telling me i cant raise or i cant lower over the selected tile, meh!! it may be engine limit cuz im pretty sure i did all variations, but the red selector doesnt show so often, and its enough to go on adiacent tiles, to bypass it and get what you want!)
For who asked eta: no eta, Its just at an early stage and I want to add a lot of stuff to it before release 1st version).
For Bannor: thanks for the compliments, much appreciated especially when comes from an expert modeller like you. I have a feeling about primary and secondary set rules may come handy in this particular set, to give input on how to behave when the 4th raise tile is placed. gotta try something